English Danish
Catherine Zeta-Jones Catherine Zeta-Jones
cathetus katete
Cathine Cathin
Cathode Katode
Catholic katolik
Catholic Apostolic Church Katolsk-apostoliske menighed
Catholic Church Romerskkatolske kirke
Catholic Diocese of the Old Catholics in Germany Gammelkatolikker
Catholic marriage Ægteskab
Catholic Monarchs Katolske monarker
Catholic sacraments Sakramente
Catholicism Katolicisme
Catholisism Katolicisme
Cathy Katharina
Catilina Lucius Sergius Catilina
Catiline Lucius Sergius Catilina
cation kation
catnip katteurt
Cato Cato
Cato the Elder Cato den Ældre
Cato the Younger Cato den Yngre
Catregory Art
Catsear Almindelig Kongepen
cattle kvæg
cattle egret kohejre
Catulius Gaius Valerius Catullus
Catullus Gaius Valerius Catullus
Catulus Gaius Valerius Catullus
Caucasia Kaukasus
Caucasian Kaukasus
Caucasian Albania Albanien
Caucasian Iberia Den Iberiske Halvø
Caucasus Kaukasus
Caucasus Mountains Kaukasus
Caucasus Region Kaukasus
Cauchy sequence Cauchy-følge
cauliflower blomkål
Causality Kausalitet
cause årsag
cause of death dødsårsag
cause of the accident årsag til uheld
Cause to take place Identificere
cause-effect relation kausalrelation
Caustic Window Compilation Opsamlingsalbum
caution forsigtighed
cautious varsom
Cavalier tank Cavalier
Cavalleria rusticana Cavalleria rusticana
Cavallino Føllet
cavalry kavaleri
Cavalry captain Ritmester
cavalryman husar
Cavan Cavan
cave hule
Cave of the Patriarchs Makpelas hule
Cavia Marsvin
caviar kaviar
Caviidae Marsvin
Cavity magnetron Mikrobølgeovn
Caxixi Caxixi
Cayenne Cayenne
Cayman Islands Cayman-øerne
Cayman Trough Cayman-renden
Ca¤on Slugt
Cañon Slugt
CB Granada Granada
CBT Tutorial
CCCP Fedeli alla linea CCCP
Ccj Piskesmældsskade
CD-ROM cd-rom
CD-ROM search service cd-romsøgetjeneste
CE Centraleuropa
cease ophøre
ceasefire våbenhvile
Cecil John Rhodes Cecil Rhodes
Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes
Cecilia Cecilie
cedar ceder
cede give efter
Cedric Diggory Cedric Diggory
Cedrus Ceder
Ceiba Kapoktræ-slægten
ceiling loft
Cel Celluloid
Celastraceae Benved-familien
Celastrales Benved-ordenen
Celebes Sulawesi
celebrate prise
celebration fest
Celeritas Celeritas
celery selleri
Celestial body atmosphere Atmosfære
Celestial equator Himlens ækvator
Celestial mechanics Himmelmekanik
Celestial object Himmellegeme
Celestial sphere Himmelkuglen
Celiac plexus Solar plexus
celibacy cølibat
Celine Celina
Celine Dion Céline Dion
Celje Celje
cell celle
Cell cycle Mit ose
Cell membrane Cellemembran
Cell metabolism Cellestofskifte
Cell nucleus Cellekerne
cell phone mobiltelefon
Cell wall Cellevæg
Cell wand Cellevæg
Cella Celle
cellar kælder
Celle Celle