English Danish
Congo Congo
Congo River Congofloden
Congo-Brazzaville Republikken Congo
Congo-Kinshasa Demokratiske Republik Congo
congratulate gratulere
congratulations tillykke
congregate forsamles
congregation menighed
Congregational Kommune
Congregational church Kongregationalisterne
Congregationalist church governance Kongregationalisme
Congregationalist polity Kongregationalisme
congress kongres
Congress of Berlin Berlinkonferencen
Congress of Vienna Wienerkongressen
Congress participant Kongresdeltager
Congridae Havålfamilien
Coniacian Cognac
Conic section Keglesnit
conical konisk
Conical flask Erlenmeyerkolbe
Conical hill Butte
Conical surface Tap
conifer nåletræer
coniferous forest nåleskov
coniferous tree nåletræ
Conium Skarntyde
Conjuction Konjunktion
conjugal ægteskabelig
Conjugality Ægteskab
Conjugated linoleic acid Konjugeret linolsyre
conjunction bindeord
conjurer tryllekunstner
Conmbustion Forbrænding
Conn Smythe Trophy Conn Smythe Memorial Trophy
Connacht Connacht
Connad Cerr Connad Cerr
connect forbinde
Connect Four Fire på stribe
connect up forbinde
connected sammenhængende
connected component sammenhængskomponent
Connectic Elektrisk stik
Connecticut Connecticut
Connecticut River Connecticut
connection forbindelse
connective tissue bindevæv
Connemara Connemara
Connemara pony Connemara
Connie Nielsen Connie Nielsen
connotation konnotation
conquer sejre
Conquer Online Conquer Online
Conquistador Conquistador
consanguinity konsangvinitet
conscience samvittighed
conscientious samvittighedsfuld
Conscientious objection throughout the world Militærnægter
conscientiousness samvittighedsfuldhed
consciousness bevidsthed
conscription værnepligt
consecutive fortløbende
Conseil de prévention et de lutte contre le dopage Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage
consensus konsensus
Consensus sequence Konsensus
consent enighed
consequence følge
conservation konservering
Conservation biology Bevaringsøkologi
Conservation ethic Fredning
conservation policy bevarelsespolitik
Conservatism Konservatisme
Conservative Konservatisme
Conservative Judaism Konservativ jødedom
Conservative Party Konservative Parti
Conservative Party of Nicaragua Konservative Parti
Conservative Party of Norway Høyre
conserve beholde
Consicousness Viden
consider betragte
consideration overvejelse
consignee modtager
consistency følge
consolation trøst
console trøste
Console game Computerspil
consonant medlyd
Consort with Omgås
conspiracy theory konspirationsteori
Constable of France Konstabel
Constalletion Stjernebillede
Constance Konstanz
Constaninus II Konstantin II
Constans Constans
Constantin Stanislavski Konstantin Stanislavskij
Constantine Konstantin
Constantine I Konstantin den Store
Constantine II Konstantin II
Constantine II of Scotland Konstantin II
Constantino Zaballa Constantino Zaballa
Constantinople Konstantinopel
Constantius Konstanz
Constantius Chlorus Constantius I Chlorus
Constantius I Chlorus Constantius I Chlorus
Constantius II Constantius II
Constanze Mozart Constanze Mozart
Constanţa Constanţa
Constanţa County Constanţa
Constellation Stjernebillede
consternation bestyrtelse
constipation forstoppelse
Constitition Fysik
constituency valgkreds
Constituent assembly Assemblée Nationale
constitution forfatning
Constitution of Brazil Mindsteløn
Constitution of Denmark Danmarks Riges Grundlov
Constitution of Norway Eidsvoll-forfatningen
Constitution of Portugal Forfatning
Constitution of Sweden Forfatning
Constitution State Connecticut
Constitutional Democratic Party Kadetpartiet
constitutional law forfatningsret
constitutional monarchy konstitutionelt monarki
constrain begrænse
construct bygge
Constructible number Konstruerbare tal
Constructio Konstruktion
construction equipment bygge- og anlægsmateriel
construction noise støj fra bygge- og anlægsarbejde
construction policy bygge- og anlægspolitik
construction technology bygningsteknologi
construction with recycled material byggeri med genbrugsmaterialer
construction work bygge- og anlægsarbejde
Constructive vote of no confidence Rigsret
Constructivism in international relations Konstruktivisme
Constructivist architecture Konstruktivisme
Constructivist epistemology Konstruktivisme
Consul Consul
consulate konsulat
consultancy konsulentvirksomhed
consultant konsulent
consultation høring
consumer behaviour forbrugeres adfærdsmønster
consumer goods forbrugsvare
consumer group forbrugerforening
consumer information forbrugeroplysning
Consumer Prices Inflation
consumer product forbrugsvare
consumer protection forbrugerbeskyttelse
consumer waste forbrugsaffald
consumption forbrug
consumption pattern forbrugsmønster
contact forbindelse
contact lens kontaktlinse
contagiousness smitsomhed
contain indeholde
container beholder
Container deposit legislation Flaskepant
Container format Container
containment indeslutning
Containment sphere Kugle
contaminate forurene
contaminated soil forurenet jord
contamination kontamination
contemporary samtidig
contempt foragt
Content-control software Elektronisk filter
contented tilfreds
contents indhold
contest konkurrence
contestant konkurrent
Context-sensitive half-life Halveringstid
continent kontinent
continental climate fastlandsklima
Continental Congress Kontinentale kongres
Continental crust Kontinentalplade
continental drift kontinentaldrift
Continental philosophy Kontinental filosofi
Continental rationalism Rationalisme
continental shelf fastlandssokkel
continuation fortsættelse
Continuation War Vinterkrigen
continue vare
continuing education efter- og videreuddannelse
continuity kontinuitet
continuous uafbrudt
continuous function kontinuert funktion
Continuous ink system Bulkgods
continuous load fortsat belastning
contortionist slangemenneske
contour farming konturdyrkning
contraception prævention
contract kontrakt
Contract bridge Bridge
Contract for difference Differencekontrakt
Contralto voice Bratsch
contrary modsat
contribute bidrage
contributor bidragyder
Contrivanc Lokomotiv
Contrivancer Opfinder
control regere
Control car Styrevogn
Control gate Kontaktor
control measure kontrolforanstaltning
Control Zone Kontrolzone
controlled burning kontrolleret forbrænding
controlled hunting zone kontrolleret jagtområde
controlling authority tilsynsmyndighed
controversial kontroversiel