English Danish
Science fiction Science fiction
Science fiction film Science fiction-film
Science fiction movie Science fiction-film
Science studies Videnskabsteori
scientific videnskabelig
Scientific classificacion Videnskabeligt artsnavn
Scientific classification Videnskabeligt artsnavn
scientific co-operation videnskabeligt samarbejde
Scientific control Eksperiment
scientific dispute videnskabelig tvist
Scientific evidence Bevis
Scientific investigation Akademia
Scientific journal Videnskabeligt tidsskrift
Scientific management Taylorisme
Scientific method Videnskabelig metode
Scientific misconduct Videnskabelig uredelighed
Scientific racism Racelære
Scientific realism Realisme
scientific research videnskabelig forskning
Scientific Revolution Paradigmeskift
Scientific skepticism Skepticisme
scientist videnskabsmand
Scientology Scientology
Scifi Science fiction
Scilly Islands Isles of Scilly
Scilly Isles Isles of Scilly
scimitar krumsabel
Scipio Scipio
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus
Scipio Africanus Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus
Scirocco Scirocco
Scirpus Kogleaks
scissor kick saksespark
Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters
scissors saks
Scissors grinder Skærsliber
Sciuridae Egern
Sciurus Egern
sclerosis sklerose
scold dadle
Scolopacidae Sneppefugle
scooter løbehjul
Scorching heat Hundedagene
Scoresby Sund Scoresby Sund
Scorpaenidae Skorpionen
Scorpaeniformes Ulkefisk
Scorpio Skorpionen
scorpion skorpion
Scorpius Skorpionen
Scot Skotsk gælisk
Scotch Skotsk gælisk
Scotch tape tape
Scotch terrier Hunderacer
Scotch whisky Skotsk whisky
Scotia Skotland
Scotland Skotland
Scotland Yard Scotland Yard
Scots Skotsk gælisk
Scots language Skotsk gælisk
Scots Pine Skov-Fyr
Scotsman Skotsk gælisk
Scott Columbus Scott Columbus
Scott Joplin Scott Joplin
Scott Steiner Scott Steiner
Scottish Skotsk gælisk
Scottish Football League First Division Scottish Premier League
Scottish Gaelic Skotsk gælisk
Scottish Gaelic language Skotsk gælisk
Scottish Highlands Det skotske højland
Scottish language Skotsk gælisk
Scottish Lowlands Lowlands
Scottish National Party Scottish National Party
Scottish Premier League Scottish Premier League
Scottish terrier Skotsk Terrier
Scottland Skotland
Scottsdale Scottsdale
Scotty Moore Scotty Moore
scourge svøbe
Scout Spionage
Scouting Spejderbevægelsen
Scoville scale Scoville
Scrabble Scrabble
Scramble for Africa Kapløbet om Afrika
scrambled egg røræg
scrap lap
Scrapbooking Scrap
scrape skrabe
scratch ridse
Scratchcard Skrabelod
scrawny mager
scream skrige
Screamers Hyrdefugle
Screamo Screamo
screech owl slørugle
screen skærm
Screenplay writer Manuskriptforfatter
screw skrue
Screwball comedy film Screwball comedy
screwdriver skruetrækker
Scribble pad Notesblok
scribe skriver
Script department Dramaturgi
Script writer Manuskriptforfatter
Scripting programming language Script-sprog
Scripture Bibelen
Scriptures Bibelen
Scrollsaw Dekupørsav
Scrooge McDuck Joakim von And
Scrophulariaceae Maskeblomst-familien
scrotum skrotum
Scrotums Skrotum
scrubbing brush skrubbebørste
Scuba set SCUBA
Scuderia Ferrari Ferrari
scuffle slag
sculpin ulk
sculptor billedhugger
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy Billedhuggerværkstedet
Sculpture Skulptur
Scutum Skjoldet
Scylding Skjoldungerne
Scylla Skylla
Scylla and Charybdis Skylla
Scyphozoa Gorgonerne
Scytale Skytale
scythe le