English Danish
Thor Heyerdahl Thor Heyerdahl
Thora Thora
Thoracic diaphragm Pessar
Thorbjørn Jagland Thorbjørn Jagland
thorium thorium
thorn torn
thorn apple pigæble
Thornback ray Sømrokke
thorp torp
Thorsberg moor Torsbjerg Mose
Thorvald Stauning Thorvald Stauning
Thot Thoth
Thoth Thoth
thou du
though dog
thought tanke
thought police tankepoliti
thousand tusinde
Thousand years old Millennium
Thrace Thrakien
Thracia Thrakien
Thracian Thrakien
thralldom trældom
thread tråd
Threaded discussion Muret væg
threat trussel
threaten true
threatened truet
three tre
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Three domain system Domæne
Three Godfathers Tre liv for ét
Three Gorges Dam De Tre Slugters Dæmning
Three Jewels De tre juveler
Three Kingdoms Tre Kongedømmer
Three Laws of Robotics De tre love
Three letter acronym TLA
Three Mile Island accident Three Mile Island-ulykken
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Three Mile Island-ulykken
Three Musketeers De Tre Musketerer
three times tre gange
Three Wise Men Hellig tre konger
three-dimensional tredimensional
Three-domain system Domæne
three-headed trehovedet
Three-phase AC Vekselspænding
Three-phase alternating current Vekselspænding
Three-phase electric power Vekselspænding
threesome trio
thresher tærskemand
threshold tærskel
Threskiornithidae Ibisser
thrips thrips
thrive trives
throat hals
Throat singing Strubesang
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP
through færdig
through-composed gennemkomponeret
throughway motorvej
throw kaste
throw in the towel kaste håndklædet i ringen
throw up kaste op
throw-in indkast
thrush nightingale nattergal
thrust støde
Thrust vectoring Vectored thrust
thruway motorvej
Thrymr Trym
Thu Don
Thucydides Thukydid
thud bump
Thuja Thuja
Thuja occidentalis Almindelig Thuja
Thuja plicata Kæmpe-Thuja
Thujopsis Hønsebenstræ
Thule Thule
Thule Air Base Thule Air Base
Thule Island Thule
Thule people Thule
Thule Society Thuleselskabet
thulium thulium
thumb tommelfinger
Thumb-print Fingeraftryk
Thumbelina Tommelise
thumbnail tommelfingernegl
thunder torden
Thunderball Thunderball
ThunderCats ThunderCats
thunderstorm tordenskylle
Thur Torsdag
Thur River Thur
Thuringia Thüringen
Thurisaz Jætte
Thurs Torsdag
Thursday torsdag
Thursdays Torsdag
thy din
Thyborøn-Harboøre Thyborøn-Harboøre Kommune
Thyestes Thyestes
Thyholm municipality Thyholm Kommune
Thylacine Tasmansk pungulv
Thylacinidae Tasmansk pungulv
Thylacinus Tasmansk pungulv
Thyme Timian
Thymelaeaceae Dafne-familien
Thymine Thymin
Thyone Thyone
Thyra Thyra Dannebod
Thyroid Skjoldbruskkirtel