English German
Anerley Anerley
anerobic luftunabhängig
aneroid Aneroidbarometer
aneroid altimeter barometrischer Höhenmesser
aneroid barometer Aneroidbarometer
aneroid calorimeter Aneroidkalorimeter
aneroid capsule Steuerdose
aneroid sphygmomanometer Aneroid-Sphygmomanometer
aneroid-type thermostat Faltenbalgthermostat
Anerood Jugnauth Anerood Jugnauth
aners männliche Ameisen
anerythroblepia Protanopie
anerythroblepsia Anerythropsie
anesthesia Anästhesie
anesthesia apparatus Narkosegerät
anesthesia awareness intraoperative Wachheit
anesthesia method Narkosesystem
anesthesia monitors Anaesthesiemonitore
anesthesia needle Anästhesie-Nadel
anesthesia paralyses Narkoselähmungen
anesthesia paralysis Narkoselähmung
anesthesia premedication Narkoseprämedikation
anesthesia risk Narkoserisiko
anesthesia syringe Narkosespritze
anesthesia system Narkosesystem
anesthesia-related nursing Anästhesiepflege
anesthesiologic anästhesiologisch
anesthesiologist Anästhesist
anesthesiologists Anästesistinnen
anesthesiology Anästhesie
anesthetic Anästhetikum
anesthetic agent Anästhetikum
anesthetic agents Narkotika
anesthetic airway Trachealtubus
anesthetic drug Anästhetikum
anesthetic drugs Anästhetika
anesthetic ether Narkoseether
anesthetic gas Narkosegas
anesthetic index Narkoseindex
anesthetic induction Narkoseeinleitung
anesthetic injection Narkosespritze
anesthetic machine Narkosegerät
anesthetic machines Narkosegeräte
anesthetic mask Narkosemaske
anesthetic masks Narkosemasken
anesthetic nurse Anästhesiepfleger
anesthetic premedication Narkoseprämedikation
anesthetic risk Narkoserisiko
anesthetic risks Narkoserisiken
anesthetic table Narkosetisch
anesthetic tables Narkosetische
anesthetics Anästhetika
anesthetist Anästhesist
anesthetists Narkoseärzte
anesthetization Betäubung
anesthetize anästhesieren
anesthetized betäubt
anesthetizes betäubt
anesthetizing narkotisierend
anestrus Anöstrus
Anet Ins BE
Aneta Kręglicka Aneta Kręglicka
Anetan Anetan
Anethole Anethol
Aneto Aneto
Anett Pötzsch Anett Pötzsch
Anetta Keys Anetta Keys
Anette Olzon Anette Olzon
Aneuploidy Aneuploidie
aneurin Aneurin
aneurin diphosphate Kokarboxylase
aneurine Aneurin
aneurism Arterienerweiterung
aneurism needle Unterbindungsnadel
aneurysm Aneurysma
aneurysm needle Aneurysma-Nadel
aneurysm needles Aneurysma-Nadeln
aneurysm of aortic sinus Sinus-Valsalva-Aneurysma
aneurysm of pulmonary artery Lungenarterienaneurysma
aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva Sinus-Valsalva-Aneurysma
aneurysm of the penis Penisaneurysma
aneurysm resection Aneurysmaentfernung
aneurysmectomy Aneurysma-Resektion
Anevrism Aneurysma
anew abermals