English German
Arroux Arroux
arrow Pfeil
arrow button Pfeiltaste
Arrow Cross Pfeilkreuz
Arrow Cross men Pfeilkreuzler
Arrow Cross Party Pfeilkreuzler
arrow diagram Pfeildiagramm
arrow diagramming method Vorgangspfeilnetzplan
arrow heads Maßpfeile
Arrow in the Blue Pfeil ins Blaue. Bericht eines Lebens
arrow key Pfeiltaste
Arrow keys Pfeiltaste
Arrow missile Arrow-Rakete
arrow poison Pfeilgift
arrow slit Schießscharte
arrow straightener Pfeilstrecker
arrow worms Pfeilwürmer
Arrow's Fall Talia, die Mahnerin
Arrow's Flight Talia, die Hüterin
Arrow's impossibility theorem Arrow-Theorem
Arrow's theorem Arrow-Theorem
arrow-head antenna Pfeilspitzenantenne
arrow-headed warbler Strichelwaldsänger
arrow-marked babbler Braundrossling
arrowed line gepfeilte Linie
arrowgrass Dreizack
arrowhead Pfeilkraut
arrowhead violet Betonienblättriges Veilchen
arrowhead warbler Strichelwaldsänger
arrowheads Pfeilkräuter
arrowroot Arrowroot
arrowroot family Pfeilwurzgewächse
arrowroots Pfeilwurze
arrows Pfeile
Arrows of the Queen Talia, die Erwählte
Arrowsmith Dr. med. Arrowsmith
arrowwoods Schneebälle
Arroyo Wadi
Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande
Arroz con leche Milchreis
Arruiz Glacier Arruiz-Gletscher
Ars Amatoria Ars amatoria
Ars antiqua Ars antiqua
Ars Electronica Ars Electronica
Ars moriendi Ars moriendi
Ars nova Ars nova
Ars Poetica Ars Poetica
Ars Rediviva Ars Rediviva
Ars-en-Ré Ars-en-Ré
Ars-sur-Formans Ars-sur-Formans
Ars-sur-Moselle Ars-sur-Moselle
Arsacid Dynasty Arsakiden