English German
geographer Geograf
geographers Geografen
geographic geografisch
geographic coordinate geografische Koordinate
Geographic coordinate system Geographische Koordinaten
geographic coordinates geografische Koordinaten
geographic data geographische Daten
geographic direction Himmelsgegend
geographic factors Geofaktoren
geographic information system Geographisches Informationssystem
geographic information system , GIS geografisches Informationssystem , GIS
geographical geografisch
geographical area Geografie
Geographical centre of Europe Mittelpunkt Europas
geographical direction Himmelsrichtung
geographical distribution of population geographische Verteilung der Bevölkerung
geographical indication of origin geografische Herkunftsangabe
Geographical isolation Geographische Isolation
geographical knowledge Geografiekenntnisse
geographical map Karte
Geographical pole Pol
geographical projection geographische Projektion
Geographical segregation Segregation
geographical zone geografische Zone
geographical zones geografische Zonen
geographically geografisch
geographically disadvantaged countries geografisch benachteiligte Länder
geographically separated unit dislozierte Einheit
geographies Erdkunden
geography Erdkunde
geography cone Landkarten-Kegelschnecke
geography knowledge Geografiekenntnisse
geography lesson Erdkundestunde
Geography Markup Language Geography Markup Language
Geography of Angola Geographie Angolas
Geography of Argentina Geographie Argentiniens
Geography of Australia Geographie Australiens
Geography of Austria Geographie Österreichs
Geography of Bolivia Geographie Boliviens
Geography of Bulgaria Geographie Bulgariens
Geography of Chile Physische Geographie Chiles
Geography of Cuba Geographie Kubas
Geography of Ecuador Geographie Ecuadors
Geography of Europe Geographie Europas
Geography of France Geographie Frankreichs
Geography of Germany Geographie Deutschlands
Geography of Iceland Geographie Islands
Geography of India Geographie Indiens
Geography of Ireland Geographie Irlands
Geography of Japan Geographie Japans
Geography of Madagascar Madagaskar
Geography of Malta Malta
Geography of Montenegro Geographie Montenegros
Geography of New Zealand Geographie Neuseelands
Geography of North Korea Geographie Nordkoreas
Geography of Norway Geographie Norwegens
Geography of Serbia Geographie Serbiens
Geography of Slovenia Geographie von Slowenien
Geography of Somalia Geographie Somalias
Geography of Sudan Geographie Sudans
Geography of Taiwan Taiwan
Geography of Thailand Geographie von Thailand
Geography of the Faroe Islands Geologie und Geographie der Färöer
Geography of The Gambia Geographie Gambias
Geography of the United Kingdom Geographie des Vereinigten Königreichs
Geography of the United States Geographie der Vereinigten Staaten
Geography of Tunisia Geographie Tunesiens
Geography of Ukraine Geographie der Ukraine
Geography of Vietnam Geographie Vietnams
geography paper Kartenpapier
geography student Geografiestudent
geography teacher Geografielehrer
geography, geology, biology, social science and history of a province Landeskunde
geohydraulic geohydraulisch
geohydraulically geohydraulisch
geohydraulics Geohydraulik
geoid Geoid
geoid height Geoidhöhe
geoid model Geoidmodell
geoid models Geoidmodelle
geoid undulation Geoidundulation
geoids Geoiden
Geoinformatics Geoinformatik