English German
Horka Horka
Horki Horki
Horley Horley
Horlivka Horliwka
Hormersdorf Hormersdorf
hormesis Hormesis
hormic zielgerichtet
hormic psychology hormische Psychologie
Horminum Drachenmaul
hormonal hormonal
hormonal cocktail Hormon-Cocktail
hormonal contraception hormonale Kontrazeption
hormonal response hormonelle Reaktion
hormonal system Hormonsystem
hormone Hormon
hormone balance Hormonhaushalt
hormone balancing yoga Hormon-Joga
hormone cocktail Hormon-Cocktail
hormone gland Hormondrüse
hormone glands Hormondrüsen
hormone injection Hormonspritze
hormone jab Hormonspritze
hormone level Hormonspiegel
hormone preparation Hormonpräparat
hormone preparations Hormonpräparate
hormone receptor Hormon-Rezeptor
hormone replacement therapy Hormonersatztherapie
hormone replacement therapy , HRT Hormonersatztherapie , HET
hormone shot Hormonspritze
Hormone therapy Hormontherapie
hormone trap Hormonfalle
hormone treatment Hormonbehandlung
hormone treatments Hormonbehandlungen
hormone-balancing yoga Hormon-Joga
hormone-sensitive hormonsensitiv
hormone-withdrawal bleeding Hormonentzugsblutung
hormones Hormone
hormonotherapy Hormonbehandlung
Hormozgān Province Hormozgan
horn Rohr
horn aerial Hornantenne
horn antenna Hornantenne
horn boss Hupentaste
horn button Signalhornbetätigung
horn buttons Hornknöpfe
horn cell Hornzelle
horn cells Hornzellen
horn cheek Achshalter-Gleitbacke
horn comb Hornkamm
horn coral Stachelkoralle
horn corals Stachelkorallen
horn dogfish Doggenhai
horn driver Horntreiber
horn feed Hornspeisung
horn handle Horngriff
horn hedge Dornenhecke
horn hedges Dornenhecken
Horn Lake Horn Lake
horn lousspeaker Hornlautsprecher
horn mercury Hornquecksilber
horn mine Bleikappenmine
horn mirror Hornspiegel
horn mouth Trichteröffnung
Horn of Africa Horn von Afrika
horn of plenty Füllhorn
horn of the spot welder Arm des Punktschweißgeräts
horn pad Hupentaste
horn parabolic mirror Horn-Parabolspiegel
horn player Hornist
horn players Hornisten
horn poppy Hornmohn
horn radiator Horn
horn rim Hupenring
horn ring Hupenring
horn rings Hupenringe
Horn shark Hornhai
horn sharks Hornhaie
horn silver Hornsilber
horn spark gap Hörnerblitzableiter
horn speaker Druckkammerlautsprecher
horn spoon Hornlöfel
horn trio Horntrio
horn tweeter Hochtonhorn
Horn-Bad Meinberg Horn-Bad Meinberg
horn-break fuse Hörnersicherung
horn-break fuses Hörnersicherungen
horn-cheek Achshaltergleitbacke
horn-parabolic antenna Hornparabolantenne
horn-parabolic feed Hornparabolspeisung
horn-parabolic radiator Hornparabolstrahler
horn-reflector antenna Hornparabolantenne
horn-rimmed Horn-
horn-rimmed specs Hornbrille
horn-rimmed spectacles Hornbrille
horn-shaped Christmas biscuit flavoured with vanilla sugar Vanillekipferl
horn-shaped Christmas biscuits flavoured with vanilla sugar Vanillekipferl
horn-shaped Christmas cookie flavored with vanilla sugar Vanillekipferl
horn-shaped Christmas cookies flavored with vanilla sugar Vanillekipferl
horn-type loudspeaker Druckkammerlautsprecher
horn-type oarlock Gabeldolle
horn-type rowlock Gabeldolle
horn-type speaker Druckkammerlautsprecher
Hornavan Hornavan
Hornbach Hornbach
Hornbach DIY Hornbach
hornbeam Weißbuche
hornbeams Hainbuchen
Hornberg Hornberg