English German
neigh Wiehern
neighbor Nachbar
neighbor ... Nachbar...
neighbor at desk Tischnachbar
neighbor at table Tischnachbar
neighbor's complaint Nachbarklage
neighbor's garden Nachbargarten
neighbored benachbart
neighborhood Gegend
neighborhood effect Nachbarschaftseffekt
neighborhood newspaper Stadtteilzeitung
neighborhood park wohnungsnahe Grünanlage
neighborhood store Nachbarschaftsladen
neighborhood traffic Nachbarortsverkehr
neighborhood watch Bürgerwehr
neighborhood watch group freiwillige Bürgerwehr
neighborhoods Nachbarschaften
neighboring benachbart
neighboring ... Nachbar...
neighboring apartment Nachbarwohnung
neighboring area Nachbarareal
neighboring atom Nachbaratom
neighboring building Nachbarhaus
neighboring buildings Nachbarhäuser
neighboring city Nachbarstadt
neighboring country Nachbarland
neighboring galaxies Nachbargalaxien
neighboring galaxy Nachbargalaxie
neighboring garden Nachbargarten
neighboring island benachbarte Insel
neighboring islands Nachbarinseln
neighboring municipality benachbarte Gemeinde
neighboring people Nachbarvolk
neighboring peoples Nachbarvölker
neighboring planet benachbarter Planet
neighboring position Nachbarstellung
neighboring property Nachbargrundstück
neighboring resident Anwohner
neighboring residents Anwohner
neighboring rights Nachbarrecht
neighboring State Anrainerstaat
neighboring States Anrainerstaaten
neighboring town Nachbarstadt
neighboring village Nachbardorf
neighboring yard Nachbargarten
neighborliness gutes nachbarliches Verhältnis
neighborly freundlich
neighborly help Nachbarschaftshilfe
neighbors Nachbarn
Neighbors of the Kremlin Das Haus der Regierung
neighbors opposite Gegenüber
neighbors' garden Nachbargarten
neighborship Nachbarschaft
neighbour Nachbar
neighbour ... Nachbar...
neighbour at desk Tischnachbar
neighbour at table Tischnachbar
neighbour discovery ND-Protokoll
neighbour in the next bed Bettnachbar
Neighbour Jones Nachbar Zorngiebel
neighbour's complaint Nachbarklage
neighbour's garden Nachbargarten
neighboured benachbart
neighbourhood Gegend
neighbourhood effect Nachbarschaftseffekt
neighbourhood newspaper Stadtteilzeitung
neighbourhood noise Nachbarschaftslärm
neighbourhood shops Nahversorger
neighbourhood traffic Nachbarortsverkehr
neighbourhood watch Bürgerwehr
neighbourhoods Nachbarschaften
neighbouring nahe
neighbouring ... Nachbar...
neighbouring area Nachbarareal
neighbouring atom Nachbaratom
neighbouring city Nachbarstadt
neighbouring countries Anliegerstaaten
neighbouring country Nachbarland
neighbouring earthquake Nahbeben
neighbouring flat Nachbarwohnung
neighbouring galaxies Nachbargalaxien
neighbouring galaxy Nachbargalaxie
neighbouring garden Nachbargarten
neighbouring house Nachbarhaus
neighbouring houses Nachbarhäuser
neighbouring island benachbarte Insel
neighbouring islands Nachbarinseln
neighbouring land charge Erschließungsbeitrag
neighbouring municipality benachbarte Gemeinde
neighbouring people Nachbarvolk
neighbouring peoples Nachbarvölker
neighbouring planet benachbarter Planet
neighbouring position Nachbarstellung
neighbouring property Nachbargrundstück
neighbouring rights Nachbarrecht
neighbouring state Nachbarstaat
neighbouring States Anrainerstaaten
neighbouring town Nachbarstadt
neighbouring village Nachbardorf
neighbourliness Nachbarschaftsverhältnis
neighbourly nachbarlich
neighbourly help Nachbarschaftshilfe
neighbours Nachbarschaft
neighbours opposite Gegenüber
neighbours' garden Nachbargarten
neighbourship Nachbarschaft
neighing Gewieher
Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong
Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman
Neil Horan Cornelius Horan
Neil Jordan Neil Jordan
Neil Kinnock Neil Kinnock