English German
New Romantic New Romantic
New Rome Drittes Rom
new second Neusekunde
New Serbia Nova Srbija
new service Nachrichtendienst
new services neue Dienste
new settlement Neuansiedlung
New Seven Wonders of the World Weltwunder
new share junge Aktie
New Siberia Neusibirien
New Siberian Islands Neusibirische Inseln
New Silesia Neuschlesien
new situation neue Lage
New Slovenia Neues Slowenien
New Smyrna Beach New Smyrna Beach
new snow Neuschnee
new social movements, NSMs neue soziale Bewegungen , NSMs
new soldier Soldat in Grundausbildung
new soldiers Soldaten in Grundausbildung
New South Wales New South Wales
New Southgate New Southgate
New Spain Vizekönigreich Neuspanien
new staging Neuinszenierung
new stagings Neuinszenierungen
new start Neubeginn
new state of affairs neue Sachlage
new stock junge Aktie
New Stone Age Jungsteinzeit
New Strelitz Neustrelitz
new subscriber Neukunde
New Swabia Neuschwabenland
New Sweden Neuschweden
New Synagogue Neue Synagoge
New Taiwan dollar Neuer Taiwan-Dollar
new talent Debütant
New Tales of the Vampires Neue Chronik der Vampire
new technology neue Technologie
new territory Neuland
New Testament Neues Testament
New Thought Neugeist-Bewegung
New Thought Movement Neugeist-Bewegung
New Tokyo Tower Sumida Tower
new town Neustadt
New Town Killers New Town Killers
New Town of Prague Prager Neustadt
New Trebbin Neutrebbin
new trial Wiederaufnahmeverfahren
New Tribes Mission New Tribes Mission
New Turkish lira Neue Türkische Lira
New Ulm Neu-Ulm
New Union Naujoji Sąjunga
New University of Lisbon Neue Universität Lissabon
New urbanism New Urbanism
new user Erstanwender
New Valamo Kloster Uusi Valamo
New Valley Governorate Al-Wadi al-dschadid
New Valley Project New Valley Project
new vehicle Neuwagen
new vehicles Neufahrzeuge
new wave New Wave
New Wave music New Wave
New Wave of British Heavy Metal New Wave of British Heavy Metal
new white wine Federweißer
new wine Sturm
new wine into old wineskins neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen
new wool Schurwolle
new wool glove Schurwollhandschuh
new wool gloves Schurwollhandschuhe
New World Neue Welt
New World camelids Neuweltkamele
New World condors Neuweltgeier
New World Disorder New World Disorder - Das Killerprogramm
New World flying squirrel Neuweltliche Gleithörnchen
New World flying squirrels Neuweltliche Gleithörnchen
New World jays Blauraben
New World marsh turtles Neuwelt-Sumpfschildkröten
New World midsorus fern östlicher Rippenfarn
New World monkey Neuweltaffen
New World monkeys Breitnasenaffen
New World oriole Trupiale
new World orioles Trupiale
New World pond turtles Neuwelt-Sumpfschildkröten
New World porcupine Baumstachler
New World quail Zahnwachteln
New World rats and mice Neuweltmäuse
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Neue-Welt-Übersetzung
New World vulture Neuweltgeier
New World vultures Neuweltgeier
New World warbler Waldsänger
New World warblers Waldsänger
New Year Neujahr
New Year candle Neujahrskerze
New Year card Neujahrskarte
New Year concert Neujahrskonzert
New Year gift Neujahrsgeschenk
New Year greetings Neujahrsgruss
New Year message Neujahrsbotschaft
New Year reception Neujahrsempfang
New Year rocket Silvesterrakete
New Year speech Neujahrsansprache
New Year visit Neujahrsbesuch
New Year's address Neujahrsansprache
New Year's cake Neujahrskuchen
New Year's calling Neujahrswünschen
New Year's celebration Neujahrsfest
New Year's concert Neujahrskonzert
New Year's Day Neujahr
New Year's Eve Neujahrsabend
New Year's Eve ball Silversterball
New Year's Eve banger Silvesterknaller
New Year's Eve booze Silvesterbesäufnis
New Year's Eve carp Silvesterkarpfen
New Year's Eve concert Silvesterkonzert
New Year's Eve custom of telling fortunes by the shapes made by molten lead dropped into cold water Bleigießen
New Year's Eve dinner Silvesteressen
New Year's Eve do Silvesterfete
New Year's Eve donut Silvesterkrapfen
New Year's Eve doughnut Silvesterkrapfen
New Year's Eve drink Silvesterumtrunk
New Year's Eve event Silvester-Event
New Year's Eve fair Silvesterrummel
New Year's Eve fireworks Silvesterfeuerwerk
New Year's Eve menu Silvestermenü
New Year's Eve parties Silvesterfeiern
New Year's Eve party Silvesterparty
New Year's Eve piss-up Silvesterbesäufnis
New Year's Eve program Silvesterprogramm
New Year's Eve programme Silvesterprogramm
New Year's Eve punch Silvesterpunsch
New Year's Eve release Silvesterausgabe
New Year's Eve schedule Silvesterprogramm
New Year's Eve show Silvestershow
New Year's Eve speech Silvesteransprache
New Year's Eve weather Silvesterwetter
New Year's parties Silvesterpartys
New Year's party Neujahrsfest
New Year's reception Neujahrsempfang
New Year's receptions Neujahrsempfänge
New Year's resolution Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr
New Year's resolutions Jahresvorsätze
New Year's speech Neujahrsansprache
New Year's speeches Neujahrsansprachen
New Year's Wish Neujahrswunsch
New Year’s Day Neujahr
New York New York
New York ... New Yorker ...
New York Academy of Sciences New York Academy of Sciences
New York Americans New York Americans
New York aster Glattblatt-Aster
New York Avenue Berliner Straße
New York Botanical Garden New York Botanical Garden
New York Calling Superdragon Höllenjagd auf heisse Ware
New York Calls Superdragon Höllenjagd auf heisse Ware
New York City New York
New York City Ballet New York City Ballet
New York City Fire Department New York City Fire Department
New York City Marathon New-York-City-Marathon
New York City Police Department New York City Police Department
New York City Subway New York City Subway
New York Cosmos New York Cosmos
New York County New York County
New York Dolls New York Dolls
New York Draft Riots Draft Riots
New York Film Critics Circle Awards New York Film Critics Circle
New York Giants New York Giants
New York Harbor New Yorker Hafen
New York hardcore New York Hardcore
New York International Auto Show New York International Auto Show
New York Islanders New York Islanders
New York Jets New York Jets
New York Knicks New York Knicks