English German
Rechung Dorje Drakpa Rechungpa
Rechytsa Retschiza
recidivism Rückfall
recidivist Rückfalltäterin
recidivistic rückfällig
recidivists Rückfalltäter
recidivous rückfällig
recifal limestone Riffkalkstein
Recife Recife
recipe Kochrezept
recipe book Rezeptbuch
recipe books Rezeptbücher
recipe for success Erfolgsrezept
recipe mix Rezepturgemisch
recipes Präskriptionen
recipience Aufnahme
recipiency Aufnahme
recipient empfänglich
recipient (viewer Rezipient (Betrachter
recipient account Empfängerkonto
recipient accounts Empfängerkonten
recipient bacterium Empfängerbakterium
recipient banks Empfängerbanken
recipient cell Empfängerzelle
recipient chromosome Empfängerchromosom
recipient country Empfängerland
recipient of a grant Stipendiat
recipient of an allowance Zuschussempfänger
recipient of an organ transplant Organempfänger
recipient of benefit Leistungsempfänger
recipient of benefits Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient of income support Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient of public assistance Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient of social assistance Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient of welfare Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient of welfare benefits Sozialhilfeempfänger
recipient strain Rezipientenstamm
recipient undertaking begünstigtes Unternehmen
recipients Empfänger
recipients of an organ transplant Organempfänger
recipients of benefit Leistungsempfängerin
recipro saw Säbelsäge
reciproca reziproker Wert
reciprocal umgekehrt
reciprocal action Wechselwirkung
reciprocal agreement gegenseitige Vereinbarung
Reciprocal altruism Reziproker Altruismus
reciprocal financing Gegenfinanzierung
reciprocal function Reziprok-Funktion
reciprocal gamma function reziproke Gamma-Funktion
reciprocal heading Gegenkurs
reciprocal innervation reziproke Innervation
reciprocal integration Kehrwertintegration
reciprocal lattice reziprokes Gitter
reciprocal length reziproke Länge
reciprocal meter reziprokes Meter
reciprocal milling Pendelfräsen
reciprocal network duales Netzwerk
reciprocal of Kehrwert von
reciprocal pronoun reziprokes Fürwort
reciprocal pulse duty ratio Tastgrad
reciprocal quadripole kernsymmetrischer Vierpol
reciprocal runway heading Startbahngegenkurs
reciprocal second reziproke Sekunde
reciprocal trade Handel untereinander
reciprocal two-port kernsymmetrischer Vierpol
reciprocal value Kehrwert
reciprocality Erwiderung
reciprocally umgekehrt
reciprocate erwidern
reciprocated erwidert
reciprocates dankt
reciprocating dankend
reciprocating combustion engine Hubkolben-Verbrennungsmotor
reciprocating compressor Hubkolbenverdichter
reciprocating compressors Kolbenkompressoren
reciprocating engine Hubkolbenmotor
reciprocating engine, reciprocating piston engines Hubkolbenmotor
reciprocating engines Kolbenmotoren
reciprocating feed pump Kolbenspeisepumpe
reciprocating feed pumps Kolbenspeisepumpen
reciprocating feeder Rüttelschuh
reciprocating feeders Rüttelschuhe
reciprocating fuel-injection pump Kolben-Einspritzpumpe
reciprocating grate Rückschubrost
reciprocating grates Rückschubroste
reciprocating harrow Rüttelegge
reciprocating internal combustion engine Hubkolben-Verbrennungsmotor
reciprocating metering pump Kolbendosierpumpe
reciprocating metering pumps Kolbendosierpumpen
reciprocating motion Hin- und Herbewegung
reciprocating movement Pendelbewegung
reciprocating mower Balkenmäher
reciprocating mowers Balkenmäher
reciprocating piston compressor Hubkolbenverdichter
reciprocating piston engine Hubkolbenmotor
reciprocating piston engines Hubkolbenmotor
reciprocating pump Kolbenpumpe
reciprocating pumps Kolbenpumpen
reciprocating rake Schalengreifer
reciprocating roll Pilgerwalze
reciprocating rolling Pilgerschrittwalzen
reciprocating rolls Pilgerwalzen
reciprocating saw Stichsäge