English German
Stimpfach Stimpfach
Stimpson's sun star Stimpsons Sonnenstern
Stimpson's sunstar Stimpsons Sonnenstern
Stimson Doctrine Hoover-Stimson-Doktrin
Stimson's python Stimson-Python
stimulant Anreiz
stimulant agent Stimulans
stimulant agents Stimulanzien
stimulant drug Aufputschmittel
stimulant drugs Stimulanzien
stimulantly anregend
stimulants Anregungsmittel
stimulate reizen
stimulate business die Konjunktur intensivieren
stimulate business activity die Konjunktur anregen
stimulate circulation den Kreislauf anregen
stimulate economic activity die Konjunktur anregen
stimulate labour die Geburt anregen
stimulate sb.'s interest jds. Interesse wecken
stimulate sth. befruchten
stimulated erregt
stimulated anti-Stokes Raman scattering , SARS stimulierte Anti-Stokes-Raman-Streuung , SARS
stimulated emission induzierte Emission
stimulated emission depletion microscope STED-Mikroskop
stimulated emission depletion microscopy STED-Mikroskopie
stimulated Raman effect induzierter Raman-Effekt
stimulated Raman scattering induzierte Raman-Streuung
stimulated Raman scattering , SRS stimulierte Raman-Streuung , SRS
stimulates erregt
stimulating stimulierend
stimulating effect belebende Wirkung
stimulation Förderung
stimulation current Reizstrom
stimulation current therapy Reizstrombehandlung
stimulation effect Reizwirkung
stimulation of business Belebung des Geschäfts
stimulation of business activity Konjunkturanregung
stimulation of nipples Brustwarzenstimulation
stimulation of the economy Konjunkturbelebung
stimulation of trade Belebung des Handels
stimulation produced analgesia stimulationsproduzierte Analgesie
stimulation theory Stimulationstheorie
stimulation therapy Reizkörpertherapie
stimulations Stimulationen
stimulative anspornend
stimulative plasmolysis Reizplasmolyse
stimulator Stimulator
Stimulators Anreger
stimuli Reizmittel
stimulus Reiz
stimulus conduction Erregungsleitung
stimulus threshold Schwellenwert
stimulus thresholds Reizschwellen
stimulus-response measurement Stimulus-Antwort-Messung
stimulus-response model Reiz-Reaktions-Modell
Stina Nordenstam Stina Nordenstam
Stinatz Stinatz
sting brennen
sting of a bee Bienenstich
sting of a hornet Hornissenstich
sting of a ray Rochenstachel
sting of a scorpion Skorpionstich
sting of a wasp Wespenstich
sting of an ant Ameisenstachel
sting of conscience Gewissensbisse
sting of jealousy Stachel der Eifersucht
sting of remorse Gewissensbisse
sting operation verdeckte Operation
sting winkle Stachelschnecke
sting {stung brennen
stinged gestochen
stinger Schlag
stinger connection Wangenanschluss
stinger connections Wangenanschlüsse
stingers Stacheln
stingfish Petermännchen
stingiest am geizigsten
stingily schäbig
stinginess Geiz
stinging beißend
stinging cold schneidend kalt
stinging coral Feuerkoralle
stinging hair Brennhaar
stinging hairs Nesselhaare
stinging jellyfish Nesselqualle
stinging nettle Brennnessel
stinging nettle vinegar Brennessel-Essig
stinging sensation Kribbeln
stinging wasps Stechimmen
stingingly gallig
Stingless bee Stachellose Bienen
stingray Stechrochen
Stingray bike Bonanza-Rad