English Spanish
adumbration alusion
Adunis Adonis
advance favorecer
Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair
Advance fee fraud Estafa nigeriana
Advance health care directive Testamento vital
advance notification preaviso
advance payment anticipo
advanced avance
Advanced Access Content System Advanced Access Content System
Advanced Audio Coding Advanced Audio Coding
Advanced Composition Explorer Advanced Composition Explorer
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Advanced language Lenguaje de alto nivel
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Arquitectura de Sonido Avanzada para Linux
Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
Advanced Micro Devices Advanced Micro Devices
Advanced Mobile Phone System Sistema Telefónico Móvil Avanzado
Advanced Packaging Tool Advanced Packaging Tool
Advanced Photo System Advanced Photo System
Advanced Power Management APM
Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller APIC
Advanced Systems Format Advanced Streaming Format
Advanced Technology Attachment Integrated Drive Electronics
Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
Advanced Video Codec High Definition AVCHD
advancement mejora
advancing venidero
advantage aprovechar
advantageous provechoso
advantageously ventajosamente
advantagious provechoso
advection advección
Advent adviento
Advent calendar Adviento
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Agencia adventista de desarrollo y recursos asistenciales
adventitious casual
adventure aventura
Adventure film Cine de aventuras
Adventure tourism Turismo de aventura
adventurer temerario
adventures peripecias
Adventures of Don Juan El burlador de Castilla
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
adventuresome audaz
adventuress aventurera
adventurous audaz
adventurously arriesgadamente
adventurousness afán aventurero
adverb adverbio
adverbial adverbial
adverbial clause expresión adverbial
adverbial participle gerundio
adverbial phrase locución adverbial
adverbialization adverbialización
adverbialize adverbializar