English Spanish
avocado abogado
avocado pear abogado
Avogadro constant Número de Avogadro
Avogadro's law Ley de Avogadro
avoid evitar
avoidable evitable
avoidance cancelación
Avoidant personality disorder Trastorno de la personalidad por evitación
Avolsheim Avolsheim
Avon Avon
Avon Products Avon
Avord Avord
avouch garantir
avow admitir
avowal reconocimiento
avowed declarado
Avraham Stern Abraham Stern
Avram Hershko Avram Hershko
Avranches Avranches
Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne Live Acoustic Avril Live Acoustic
Avro Avro
Avro Lancaster Avro Lancaster
Avro Lincoln Avro Lincoln
AVRO tournament Torneo AVRO
Avro Vulcan Avro Vulcan
Avro York Avro York
Avry Avry
AVS Video Converter AVS Video Converter
Avully Avully
avuncular avuncular
Avunculism Avunculado
Avusy Avusy
Avvocato Abogado
Awa Province Provincia de Awa
Awad Hamed al-Bandar Awad Hamed al-Bandar
await esperar
Awaji Island Isla Awaji
awake despertar
awaken suscitar
awakening despertamiento
Awan dynasty Dinastía Awan
award premio
Award for the Advancement of Free Software FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software
awarding entrega
aware consciente
awareness vigilancia
Awash River Valle bajo del Awash
away aparte
Away goals rule Regla del gol de visitante
AWD-Arena AWD-Arena
awe respeto
awe-inspiring imponente
awe-struck estupefacto
awesome prodigioso
awful horrible
Awful din Satanás
awfully muchísimo
awfulness miedo
awhile un rato
Awjila Awjila
Awjilah language Awjilah
awkward crítico
awkwardness dificultad
awl lezna
awning toldo
awry mal
Awá Awá
ax despedir
Ax-les-Thermes Ax-les-Thermes