English Spanish
blabber charlatán
blabbering facundo
blabbermouth charlatán
Blachthorn Prunus spinosa
black oscuro
Black Agouti Dasyprocta fuliginosa
black alder aliso
black antshrike batará negro
black as soot negro como el hollín
Black Athena Atenea Negra
black bear oso negro
Black beetle Blattodea
black belt cinturón negro
Black body Cuerpo negro
Black body radiation Radiación de cuerpo negro
Black Bolt Rayo Negro
black box caja negra
Black Canary Canario Negro
Black Caracara Daptrius ater
Black Cat pirates Kuro
Black Celebration Black Celebration
Black Cherry Prunus serotina
black coal carbón negro
black coffee café solo
Black Consciousness Movement Black Consciousness Movement
black currant casis
Black Dahlia La Dalia Negra
Black death peste bubónica
black dwarf enana negra
Black dwarf star Estrella enana negra
Black elder Sambucus nigra
Black Elk Alce Negro
black eye ojo morado
Black Eye Galaxy Galaxia del Ojo negro
Black Eyed Peas The Black Eyed Peas
Black fish Sepiida
Black Forest Selva Negra
Black Forest gateau Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Black Forest gâteau tarta Selva Negra
Black Forest ham Jamón de la Selva Negra
Black game Lyrurus tetrix
Black Gate Morannon
Black Giant Squirrel Ratufa
black gold oro negro
black grouse gallo lira
Black Guards Ejército Negro
black guillemot arao aliblanco
Black Hand Unificación o Muerte
Black hat Cracker
Black Hat Briefings BlackHat
Black Hawk Down Black Hawk down
Black Hawk War Guerra de Black Hawk
Black helicopter Helicópteros negros
Black henbane Hyoscyamus niger
black hole agujero negro
Black holes Agujero negro
Black Holes and Revelations Black Holes and Revelations
black horehound ballota fétida
Black house Casa Negra
Black Howler Alouatta caraya
black humor humor negro
Black Ibis Pseudibis papillosa
black ice aguanieve
Black Ingvars Black-Ingvars
Black Kettle Tetera Negra
Black Kite Milvus migrans
Black Knight Caballero Negro
Black Legend Leyenda Negra
Black Lemur Eulemur macaco
Black leopard Panther
black light luz negra
Black Lory Chalcopsitta atra
Black Madonna Vírgenes negras
Black Madonna of Częstochowa Vírgenes negras
black magic magia negra
black market mercado negro
Black Mask Máscara Negra
Black Mesa East Black Mesa Este
Black Mesa Research Facility Black Mesa
black metal black metal
Black Moon Luna negra
Black Mountain National Park Parque Nacional Montaña Negra
Black nationalism Nacionalismo negro
Black Númenóreans Númenóreanos Negros
Black Orpheus Orfeo negro
black out desmayarse
Black Pagoda Templo de Suria
Black Paintings Pinturas Negras
Black Panther Party Partido Pantera Negra
Black people Negro
black pepper pimienta negra
Black plague Peste
black radish rábano negro
black rat rata de campo
black redstart colirrojo tizón
black rhinoceros rinoceronte negro
Black River Distrito de Black River
Black Rob Bad Boy Records
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath
Black salsifies Scorzonera
Black sapote Diospyros digyna
Black Screen of Death Black Screen of Death
Black Sea Mar Negro
Black Sea Germans Alemanes del Mar Negro
Black Sea Soviet Republic República Soviética del Mar Negro
Black September Septiembre Negro
Black September in Jordan Septiembre Negro
black sheep oveja negra
Black Ships Barcos Negros
Black Shirt fascista
Black Skimmer Rhynchopidae
Black Speech Lengua Negra
Black Stork Ciconia nigra
Black Sun Sol negro
black swan cisne negro
black tea té negro
black tern fumarel común
black tie traje de etiqueta
Black triangle Triángulo negro
Black Volta Volta Negro
Black Walnut Juglans nigra
black water agua negra
black widow viuda negra
Black widow spider Latrodectus mactans
Black Wildebeest Connochaetes gnou
black woman morena
black woodpecker pito negro
black-and-white blanquinegro
Black-and-white colobus Colobus
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur Varecia variegata
Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill Ceratogymna subcylindricus
black-arched moth lagarta monacha
Black-backed gull Larus marinus
black-backed jackal chacal de lomo negro
Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis
Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus
Black-billed Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arborea
black-bordered con reborde negro
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis
Black-chested Buzzard-eagle Geranoaetus melanoleucus
black-crested antshrike batará crestinegro
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia
Black-faced Ibis Theristicus melanopis
Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor
Black-figure pottery Cerámica de figuras negras
Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes
black-footed cat gato patinegro
Black-footed Ferret Mustela nigripes
black-footed rock wallaby walabí de las rocas de flancos negros
Black-fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops
black-handed gibbon gibón de manos negras
Black-headed Duck Heteronetta atricapilla
black-headed gull gaviota reidora
Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus
Black-headed Uakari Cacajao melanocephalus
Black-hole Agujero negro
black-hooded antshrike batará negruzco
Black-mantled Tamarin Saguinus nigricollis
black-necked grebe zampullín cuellinegro
Black-necked Screamer Chauna chavaria
Black-necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
Black-rumped Waxbill Estrilda troglodytes
Black-Scholes Black-Scholes
Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus
Black-shouldered Opossum Caluromysiops irrupta
black-tailed godwit aguja colinegra
black-throated antshrike batará gorginegro
black-throated diver colimbo ártico
Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus
black-tie de traje de etiqueta
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus
Black-winged Lory Eos cyanogenia