English Spanish
Shohei Imamura Shohei Imamura
Shohei Shibata Shohei Shibata
Shoichi Funaki Shoichi Funaki
Shoichi Yokoi Shoichi Yokoi
Shoji Shōji
Shoko Asahara Shōkō Asahara
Sholem Aleichem Sholem Aleijem
Sholom Aleichem Sholom Aleichem
Shomyo Shōmyō
Shona Idioma shona
Shona language Idioma shona
Shona people Idioma shona
shoot retoño
Shoot boxing Shoot boxing
shoot down derribar
shoot one's mouth off fanfarronear
shoot pool jugar al billar americano
shooter tirador
Shooter game Shooter
Shooter games Shooter
shooting tiro
shooting gallery barraca de tiro al blanco
shooting guard escolta
Shooting sports Tiro
shooting star meteoro
shop almacén
shop steward dirigente obrero
shop stewardess dirigente obrero
shop window escaparate
Shop windows Ventana
Shop-front El escaparate
shopfloor taller
shopkeeper tendera
shoplift hurtar
shoplifter ladrón
shopper comprador
shopping compras
shopping bag cesta de la compra
shopping cart carretilla
shopping center centro comercial
shopping centre centro comercial
shopping mall centro comercial
shopping spree juerga de compras
shopping-bag lady vagabunda
shore ribera
Shore durometer Dureza Shore
Shorebirds Charadriiformes
shoreline orilla
shores costa
Shorinji Kempo Shorinji Kempo
shorn mocho
short seco
short circuit cortocircuito
Short Cuts Vidas cruzadas
Short film Cortometraje
Short for clitoris Clítoris
Short map Función corta
Short message peer-to-peer protocol SMPP
short of excepto
Short Parliament Parlamento corto
short sleep cabezada
short song cantinela
Short Stirling Short Stirling
short story cuento
short time horario reducido
Short-beaked Echidna Tachyglossus
Short-billed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris
short-circuit poner en cortocircuito
Short-eared Dog Atelocynus microtis
Short-furred Dasyure Murexia
short-lived efímero
short-range a corto plazo
short-sighted miope
Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus
Short-tailed Chinchilla Chinchilla brevicaudata
short-tailed hawk gavilán rabicorto
short-tempered de mal genio
short-tempered character temperamento
short-term a corto plazo
short-winded corto de resuello
shortage falta
Shortage of Elipse
shortbread torta dulce seca
shortcoming limitación
shortcut atajo
shorten reducir
shortened abreviado
shortening materia grasa
shortfall déficit
Shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus
shorthaired pelicorto
shorthand abreviatura
shorthanded escaso de mano de obra
shortly dentro de poco
Shortly after A poco
Shortly afterwards De allí a poco
shortness concisión
shortness of breath disnea
shorts shorts
Shortsight Miopía
shortsighted miope
shortsightedness miopía
shortstop torpedero
shortwave onda corta
Shoshenq I Sheshonq I
Shoshenq II Sheshonq II
Shoshenq III Sheshonq III
Shoshenq V Sheshonq V
Shoshenq VI Sheshonq IV
Shoshone Shoshone
Shoshone language Shoshone
shot toma