English Spanish
Thierachern Thierachern
Thierhaupten Thierhaupten
Thierrens Thierrens
Thierry Boutsen Thierry Boutsen
Thierry Henry Thierry Henry
thieve robar
thievery latrocinio
thieves' lingo jerga de ladrones
thieves' patter jerga de ladrones
thigh muslo
thighbone fémur
thimble dedo
thimbleful dedo
thimblerig trilero
Thimphu Timbu
Thimphu District Distrito de Thimphu
thin claro
Thin client Cliente liviano
thin coating capa
Thin layer chromatography Cromatografía en capa fina
Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy
thin out aclarar
Thin-film transistor TFT
thin-skinned sensible
thine tu
thing objeto
thingamabob asunto
thingamajig asunto
thingamajigs cachivaches
Thingol Elwë
things enseres
thingumabob asunto
thingumajig asunto
thingumbob asunto
thingummy asunto
think estimar
think about reflexionar
think aloud pensar en voz alta
Think and Grow Rich Piense y hágase rico
think better of it pensar algo dos veces
think fit ser apropiado
think highly of admirar
think much of admirar
think of opinar acerca de
think out analizar
think over reflexionar
Think tank Think tank
think the world of admirar
think through analizar
think twice about it pensar algo dos veces
think up concebir
think well of consentir
thinkable concebible
thinker pensador
thinking reflexión
Thinking machine Computadora
thinly escurrido
thinner más enrarecido
thinning dilución
Thiol Tiol
Thionyl chloride Cloruro de tionilo
thiosulfate tiosulfato
Thiotimoline Tiotimolina
thioxanthene tioxanteno
third tercero
Third Age Tercera Edad del Sol
Third Amendment to the United States Constitution Tercera Enmienda a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos
Third Battle of Kharkov Tercera Batalla de Jarkov
Third Battle of the Aisne Batalla de Axona
Third bridge guitar Guitarra de tres puentes
Third Council of Constantinople Tercer Concilio de Constantinopla
Third Council of the Lateran Concilio de Letrán III
Third Council of Toledo III Concilio de Toledo
Third Crusade Tercera Cruzada
Third dynasty of Egypt Dinastía III de Egipto
Third Dynasty of Ur Renacimiento sumerio
Third Epistle of John Tercera epístola de Juan
Third gender Tercer sexo
Third Girl La tercera muchacha
Third Intermediate Period of Egypt Tercer periodo intermedio de Egipto
Third Italian War of Independence Guerra de las Siete Semanas
Third Macedonian War Guerras Macedónicas
Third Mithridatic War Tercera Guerra Mitridática
Third normal form Tercera forma normal
third party tercera persona
third person tercera persona
Third Punic War Tercera Guerra Púnica
Third Reich tercer Reich
Third Republic Tercera República Francesa
Third Rome Nueva Roma
Third Servile War Tercera Guerra Servil
third stomach tercer estómago
Third Temple Tercer templo de Jerusalén
third time's a charm a la tercera va la vencida
Third Way Tercera Vía
Third World Tercer Mundo
third-class de tercera categoría
third-degree de tercer grado
Third-generation programming language Lenguaje de Tercera Generación
Third-party developer Third-party
third-rate de poca calidad
Third-rate film Brassica rapa
Third-worldism Tercermundismo
thirdly en tercer lugar
thirds terciar
thirst sed
thirsty sediento
thirteen trece
Thirteen Colonies Trece Colonias
Thirteen Days Trece días
Thirteen desserts Trece postres
Thirteen Senses Thirteen senses
thirteenth decimotercero