English Spanish
Thor Thor
Thor Heyerdahl Thor Heyerdahl
Thor Steinar Thor Steinar
Thor Vilhjálmsson Þór Vilhjálmsson
Thora Birch Thora Birch
thoracic torácico
Thoracic vertebrae Vértebra dorsal
thoracotomy taracotomía
thorax pecho
Thorgal Thorgal
Thorin II Oakenshield Thorin Escudo de Roble
Thorin Oakenshield Thorin Escudo de Roble
Thorismund Turismundo
thorium torio
Thormodus Torfæus Thormodus Torfæus
thorn espina
thorn apple estramonio
Thorne system Sistema Thorne
Thorney Island Thorney Island
Thornton Wilder Thornton Wilder
thorny espinoso
Thorny Devil Moloch horridus
Thorondor Thorondor
thorough completo
thorough search registro minucioso
thoroughbred puro
Thoroughfar Tránsito astronómico
thoroughfare pasaje
thoroughgoing completo
thoroughly completamente
thoroughness minuciosidad
Thorstein Veblen Thorstein Veblen
thorybism toribismo
those aquella
those qualified to vote electorado
those who los que
Those Who Hunt Elves Those Who Hunt Elves
Thot Tot
Thoth Tot
though sin embargo
thought intención
thought experiment experimento mental
thought police policía del pensamiento
thoughtful atento
thoughtfully atentamente
thoughtfulness consideración
thoughtless atolondrado
thoughtlessly irreflexivamente
thousand mil
Thousand Days War Guerra de los Mil Días
Thousand Island dressing Thousand Island Dressing
Thousand origami cranes Mil grullas de origami
Thousand years old Milenio
thousandfold mil veces
thousandth milésimo
Thrace Tracia
Thracia Tracia
Thracian Tracia
Thracian language Idioma tracio
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Tumba tracia de Kazanlak
Thracians Tracios
thraldom esclavitud
thrall esclavo
thralldom esclavitud
Thranduil Thranduil
Thrasamund Trasamundo
thrash azotar
thrash about chapotear
thrash around chapotear
Thrashcore Thrashcore
thrashing paliza
Thrasivoulos Zaimis Thrasivulos Zaimis
Thrasybulus Trasíbulo
Thrasymachus Trasímaco
thread ensartar
Thread safety Thread-Safety
threadbare calvo
threadbareness sordidez
Threaded discussion Hilo de ejecución
thready fibroso
threat amenaza
threaten amenazar
threaten with amenazar con
threatened amenazado
Threatened species Especies amenazadas
threatening amenazador
threateningly amenazantemente
three tres
Three August Ones and Five Emperors Tres augustos y cinco emperadores
Three Blind Mice and Other Stories Tres ratones ciegos y otras historias
Three body problem Problema de tres cuerpos
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Three color photometry Fotometría con tres colores
Three Crowns Three Crowns
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Three domain system Dominio
Three Gorges Dam Presa de las Tres Gargantas
three hundred trescientos
Three Kingdoms Tres Reinos
Three Kingdoms of Korea Tres Reinos de Corea
Three Kings Tres reyes