English French
commodore commodore
Commodore Dynamic Total Visio CD-TV
Commodore International Commodore International
Commodore PET Commodore PET
Commodore Smoker Smoker
Commodores Commodores
common commun
Common Address Redundancy Protocol Common address redundancy protocol
Common agouti Dasyprocta
common agreement règle générale
common agricultural policy politique agricole commune
common agricultural policy of the EU politique agricole commune
common ash frène commun
Common basilisk Basiliscus basiliscus
Common blackbird Merle noir
Common Bluebell Jacinthe des bois
Common Brushtail Possum Phalanger renard
Common Bulbul Bulbul des jardins
Common Butterbur Grand pétasite
Common capital stock Capital social
Common Chimpanzee Chimpanzé
common cold rhume
common commercial policy politique commerciale commune
Common Coquí Coquí
Common Cottongrass Linaigrette à feuilles étroites
common crane grue
Common Criteria Critères communs
Common Crossbill Bec-croisé des sapins
Common Cuttlefish Seiche commune
Common Czech Tchèque familier
Common dab Limande commune
common dandelion pissenlit commun
Common Darter Sympétrum strié
common denominator dénominateur commun
Common descent Last universal common ancestor
Common Desktop Environment Common Desktop Environment
Common Development and Distribution License Common Development and Distribution License
common divisor facteur commun
Common Dogwood Cornouiller sanguin
Common drain Drain commun
Common Duiker Sylvicapra grimmia
Common Dwarf Mongoose Hyène rayée
common eland antilope canna
Common Era de notre ère
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
common factor facteur commun
Common fibular nerve Nerf fibulaire
Common Fig Figuier commun
Common Fisheries Policy Politique commune de la pêche
Common Foreign and Security Policy Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune
common fraction fraction d'entiers
Common fractions Fraction
Common Frog Grenouille rousse
Common Gateway Interface Common Gateway Interface
common good bien
Common Grackle Quiscale bronzé
Common grasshopper warbler Locustelle tachetée
Common greenshank Chevalier aboyeur
common ground surface de contact
Common Guillemot Guillemot de Troïl
common gull goéland cendré
Common Hawker Aeshna juncea
Common Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna
Common Hazel Noisetier commun
common hepatica anémone hépatique
Common Hogweed Berce sphondyle
Common horsechestnut Marronnier commun
Common house martin Hirondelle de fenêtre
Common house-martin Hirondelle de fenêtre
Common Interface Interface commune
Common Intermediate Format Common Intermediate Format
Common Iora Petit Iora
common kestrel faucon crécerelle
Common Language Runtime Common Language Runtime
Common Lisp Object System Common Lisp Object System
common man monsieur Tout-le-monde
Common Merganser Harle bièvre
Common Milkweed Asclépiade commune
common minnow vairon
Common mora Commune de Mora
Common Mudpuppy Necture tacheté
Common Myna Martin triste
common name nom vernaculaire
Common Noctule Nyctalus noctula
common noun nom appellatif
Common Object Request Broker Architecture Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Octopus Pieuvre
Common Parsley Frog Pelodytes punctatus
common people peuple
common person citoyen
Common Pheasant Faisan de Colchide
Common Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Common Planigale Planigale maculata
Common Pochard Fuligule milouin
Common Poorwill Engoulevent de Nuttall
Common Public License Common Public Licence
common quail caille
Common red soldier beetle Rhagonycha
Common Redshank Chevalier gambette
Common Ringtail Possum Possum à queue en anneau
Common Rue Rue officinale
Common Sandpiper Chevalier guignette
Common sawfish Saw
Common seahorse Hippocampus kuda
common sense bon sens
Common skate Skathi
Common slipper shell Crepidula fornicata
Common snakeneck turtle Chelodina longicollis
Common source Source commune
Common Spadefoot Pélobate brun
Common speach Argot français
Common Spotted Cuscus Spilocuscus maculatus
Common Squirrel Monkey Singe tête de mort
common tariff policy politique tarifaire commune
Common Telerin Telerin
Common Tern Estorlet
Common Treecreeper Certhiinae
Common Treeshrew Tupaia glis
Common Unix Printing System Common Unix Printing System
Common Vampire Bat Desmodus rotundus
Common Waxbill Astrild ondulé
Common White Wave Cabera pusaria
common whitefish corégone lavaret
Common Wombat Vombatus Ursinus
Common wood pigeon Pigeon ramier
Common-mode rejection ratio Taux de réjection du mode commun
Common-pool resource Bien public
commonalty peuple
commoner citoyen
commonly ordinairement
commonplace banal
commons peuple
Commonwealth Commonwealth
Commonwealth Games Jeux du Commonwealth
Commonwealth Liberal Party Parti libéral du Commonwealth
Commonwealth of Australia Australie
Commonwealth of Dominica Dominique
Commonwealth of Independent States CEI
Commonwealth of Nations Commonwealth
Commonwealth of the Bahamas Bahamas
Commonwealth realm Royaume du Commonwealth
Commonwealth republic République du Commonwealth
Commonwealth Stadium Commonwealth Stadium
commotion agitation
Commugny Commugny