English French
distributive distributif
distributive trade distribution commerciale
distributivity distributivité
distributor concessionnaire
district canton
district attorney l'avocat général
district heating chauffage urbain
district heating plant centrale de chauffage à distance
District of Columbia District de Columbia
District of Franklin District de Franklin
District of Prizren Prizren
District of Priština Priština
Districtes de Luxemburg Districts du Luxembourg
Districts and counties of Shanghai Liste des subdivisions administratives du Shanghai
Districts of Afghanistan Districts de Slovaquie
Districts of Bangladesh Districts du Bhoutan
Districts of Bhutan Districts du Bhoutan
Districts of Botswana Districts du Botswana
Districts of East Timor Subdivisions du Timor oriental
Districts of East-Timor Subdivisions du Timor oriental
Districts of England Districts suisses
Districts of Germany Landkreis
Districts of Ghana Districts du Ghana
Districts of Israel District israélien
Districts of Japan Districts du Japon
Districts of Kiribati Subdivisions des Kiribati
Districts of Latvia Rajons de Lettonie
Districts of Lebanon Districts du Liban
Districts of Lesotho Subdivisions du Lesotho
Districts of Luxembourg Districts du Luxembourg
Districts of Malawi Districts du Malawi
Districts of Nauru Districts de Nauru
Districts of Nepal Districts du Népal
Districts of Norway Landskap
Districts of Peru Districts du Pérou
Districts of Samoa Subdivisions des Samoa
Districts of Serbia Districts de Serbie
Districts of Slovakia Districts de Slovaquie
Districts of Suriname Districts du Suriname
Districts of Swaziland Districts du Swaziland
Districts of Switzerland Districts suisses
Districts of Tanzania Liste des districts de Tanzanie
Districts of the Bahamas Districts des Bahamas
Districts of The Gambia Subdivisions de la Gambie
Districts of Vienna Arrondissements de Vienne
Distrito Federal Distrito Federal
distro distrib
DistroWatch DistroWatch
distrust méfiance
distrustful défiant
distrusting défiant
disturb agiter
disturbance agitation
disturbance of the peace tapage injurieux
disturbances émeute
disturbed agité
Disturbia Paranoïak
disturbing inquiétant
disulfide bond pont disulfure
disunion séparation
disunity désunion
disuse abandon
disused abandonné
disused military site terrain militaire désaffecté
disyllabic dissyllabe
Dita Parlo Dita Parlo
Dita Von Teese Dita von Teese
Ditangquan Ditangquan
ditch débarrasser
Ditchley Foundation Fondation Ditchley
Dithmarschen Dithmarschen
dithyramb dithyrambe
Ditmar Jakobs Ditmar Jakobs
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron Dodécadodécaèdre ditrigonal
Ditrysia Ditrysia
dittany dictame
Dittingen Dittingen
ditto idem
ditty chanson
Ditzingen Ditzingen
Diu Diu
diuretic diurétique
diurnal quotidien
Diurnal phenomena Phenomene diurne
Diurnal variations Variation diurne
diva diva
divan canapé
dive plonger
Dive computer Ordinateur de plongée
Dive fighter Bombardier en piqué
Dive in Entrer tête baissée
Dive tables Tables de décompression
dive-bomber bombardier pour attaques en piqué
diver plongeur
diverge dévier
divergence digression
Divergence theorem Théorème de flux-divergence
divergency écart
divergent divergent
diverging digression
diverse varié
diversification diversification
diversify varier
diversion diversion
diversionary de diversion
diversionary tactic diversion
diversity variété
divert détourner