English French
Hierapolis Hiérapolis
hierarchic hiérarchique
Hierarchical cosmology Cosmologie hierarchique
Hierarchical File System Hierarchical File System
Hierarchical model Base de données hiérarchique
hierarchy hiérarchie
Hierarchy of genres Hiérarchie des genres
Hierarchy problem Problème de la hiérarchie
Hiero Hiéron
Hiero I of Syracuse Hiéron Ier
Hiero II of Syracuse Hiéron II
Hierocles Hiéroklès
Hierodeacon Hiéromoine
hieroglyph hiéroglyphes
hieroglyphic hiéroglyphique
hieroglyphical hiéroglyphique
hieroglyphics hiéroglyphes
Hieromonk Hiéromoine
Hieronymous Theodor Richter Hieronimus Theodor Richter
Hieronymus Jérôme
Hieronymus Bock Jérôme Bock
Hieronymus Bosch Jérôme Bosch
Hieronymus Cock Jérôme Cock
Hieronymus Graf von Colloredo Hieronymus von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
Hieronymus of Cardia Hiéronymos de Cardia
Hieros gamos Hieros Gamos
Hietzing Hietzing
Hifikepunye Pohamba Hifikepunye Pohamba
HIFK HIFK Helsinki
Hifly Air Luxor
Higaonna Kanryō Kanryō Higaonna
Higashidōri Nuclear Power Plant Centrale nucléaire de Higashidori
higgledy-piggledy en désordre
Higgs boson Boson de Higgs
Higgs mechanism Mécanisme de Higgs
high drogué
High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher High Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary Search
High Anxiety Le Grand Frisson
High Aragon Haut-Aragon
High Art High Art
High Atlas Haut Atlas
High availability Haute disponibilité
High Barnet tube station High Barnet
High birth Genre
High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line High-data-rate digital subscriber line
High boot Botte à tige
High Bridge near Wilmore High Bridge près de Wilmore
High Brown Fritillary Moyen nacré
High church Haute Église
high class de première classe
High Command Trial Procès du Haut commandement
high commissioner haut-commissaire
High council for artisanal lambik style beers Haut conseil pour lambiques artisanales
High Crimes Crimes et Pouvoir
High culture Civilisation
High density lipoprotein Lipoprotéine de haute densité
High density polyethylene Polyéthylène
High dispersion spectra Spectre a haute dispersion
High dispersion spectroscopy Spectroscopie a haute dispers
High dynamic range imaging Imagerie à grande gamme dynamique
High energy astrophysics Astrophysique des hautes ener
High energy processes Processus a haute energie
High energy radiation Rayonnement a haute energie
High Energy Stereoscopic System High Energy Stereoscopic System
High explosive anti-tank Charge creuse
High explosive bomb Bombe explosive
High fantasy High fantasy
High Fens Hautes Fagnes
high fidelity hi-fi
high forehead front dégarni
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program High frequency active auroral research program
High fructose corn syrup Sirop de maïs
High German consonant shift Seconde mutation consonantique
High grade Grande valeur
High Holidays Yamim Noraïm
High Icelandic Háfrónska
high jinks amusement débridé
high jump saut en hauteur
high jumping saut en hauteur
High King of Ireland Ard ri Érenn
High Level Shader Language High Level Shader Language
High luminosity stars Etoile tres lumineuse
High Middle Ages Moyen Âge classique
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle High mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
high mountain haute montagne
high mountains hautes montagnes
high official dignitaire
High Performance File System High Performance File System
High performance liquid chromatography Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance
High praise Mesure
High pressure nervous syndrome Syndrome nerveux des hautes pressions
high relief haut-relief
High Renaissance Cinquecento
High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Haut Représentant international en Bosnie-Herzégovine
High resolution spectra Spectre a haute resolution
High resolution spectrosopy Spectroscopie a haute resolut
high school collège
high school diploma diplôme de fin d'études secondaires
high school graduate bachelier
High School Musical High School Musical
High School Musical Soundtrack High School Musical Musique
High score High score
high seas haute mer
high season haute saison
high society haute société
High speed photometers Photometre rapide
High speed steel Acier rapide
High Tatras Hautes Tatras
high tech high-tech
High Tech Computer Corporation HTC
high technology technologie avancée
high tension haute tension
high tide marée haute
high tide water marée haute
high treason haute trahison
High velocity clouds Nuage a grande vitesse
High velocity stars Etoile a grande vitesse
high voltage haute tension
high voltage line ligne à haute tension
High voltage switchgear Appareillage électrique à haute tension
high wall muraille
high water marée haute
high wire walker funambule
High Yield Investment Program HYIP
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
high-beam headlights phares de route
high-class de première classe
High-Definition Multimedia Interface High-Definition Multimedia Interface
High-energy astronomy Astrophysique des hautes énergies
high-flown ampoulé
high-frequency à haute fréquence
High-functioning autism Autisme de haut niveau
High-grade ore Minerai riche
high-handed despotique
high-hat snob
high-jack détourner
high-jacker pirate de l'air
high-jacking piraterie de l'air
high-level d'un haut niveau
high-minded d'âme noble
high-mindedness grandeur d'âme
high-pitched aigu
high-powered puissant
high-pressure à haute pression
high-priced coûteux
high-principled aux principes élevés
high-ranking de haut rang
high-rise building immeuble de grande hauteur
High-rise office block Tour commerciale
High-rise office building Tour commerciale
high-sounding pompeux
high-speed ultra-rapide
High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data High Speed Circuit Switched Data
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access High Speed Downlink Packet Access
High-speed film Film ultra-sensible
High-speed rail Ligne à grande vitesse
high-speed railway voie ferrée à grande vitesse
high-speed train train à grande vitesse
High-Speed Uplink Packet Access High-Speed Uplink Packet Access
high-spirited exubérant
high-spiritedness exubérance
high-strung nerveux
high-tech de technologie avancée
High-Tech Architecture Architecture high-tech
high-technology de technologie avancée
High-temperature electrolysis Électrolyse à haute température
High-voltage direct current HVDC
High-yield debt Junk bond
High-yield investment program HYIP
highborn de haute naissance
highboy commode haute
highbrow intellectuel
Highbury Highbury
higher supérieur
higher education enseignement supérieur
Higher education in the United States Universités aux États-Unis
Higher Learning Études supérieures
higher up supérieur