English French
Rize Province Rize
Riñihue Lake Lac Riñihue
Riđica Riđica
RK Zagreb RK Zagreb
RKKY interaction Couplage RKKY
RKO Pictures RKO Pictures
RL circuit Circuit RL
RLC circuit Circuit RLC
RLE Run-length encoding
Rlogin Rlogin
RMS Aquitania RMS Aquitania
RMS Britannic Britannic
RMS Carpathia RMS Carpathia
RMS Lusitania RMS Lusitania
RMS Mauretania RMS Mauretania
RMS Niagara Niagara
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic
RMS Queen Mary Queen Mary
RMS Titanic Titanic
Rn Radon
RNA interference Interférence ARN
RNA polymerase ARN polymérase
RNA virus Virus à ARN
RNA world hypothesis Hypothèse du monde à ARN
Ro ro ship Ferry
Ro ro vessel Ferry
roach blatte d'Amérique
road chemin
Road bicycle racing Cyclisme sur route
Road hockey Street-hockey
road map carte routière
Road map for peace Feuille de route pour la paix
road metal gravillon
road network réseau routier
Road of Bones Route des os
Road of the Seven Lakes Route des Sept Lacs
road roller rouleau compresseur
road safety sécurité routière
Road safety camera Radar automatique
road salt sel d'épandage
road sign panneau de signalisation
Road signs in Sweden Signalisation routière horizontale
Road surface marking Signalisation routière horizontale
road sweeper balayeur
road tax impôt routier
road test essai sur route
Road to Perdition Les Sentiers de la perdition
road to success chemin du succès
Road Town Road Town
road traffic circulation
Road traffic regulations Code de la route
Road transport Trafic routier
Road Warrior Animal Joe Laurinaitis
Road Warrior Hawk Michael Hegstrand
road where stopping is prohibited route à stationnement interdit
Road Wild WCW Road Wild
road worker cantonnier
Road-rail vehicle Rail-route
Road-rule enforcement camera Radar automatique
Road-traffic safety Prévention et sécurité routières
roadability tenue de route
roadbase grave
roadblock barrage routier
roadrunner géocoucou
Roadrunner Records Roadrunner Records
Roads in Senegal Liste des routes du Sénégal
roadside bord
roadside bomb engin explosif improvisé
roadside hawk buse à gros bec
Roadside Picnic Pique-nique au bord du chemin
roadstead rade
roadster roadster
roadway chaussée
roadwork travaux publics
roadworthy en état de marche
Roald Amundsen Roald Amundsen
Roald Dahl Roald Dahl
Roald Hoffmann Roald Hoffmann
roam errer
roaming itinérance
Roane County Comté de Roane
Roanne Roanne
Roanoke Colony Roanoke
roar brailler
roar with laughter éclater de rire
roaring hurlant
roaring drunk beurre
roaring success succès fou
Roaring Twenties Années folles
roast réprimander
roast beef rosbif
Roast duck Canard rôti
roasting réprobation
roasting pan plat à rôtir
rob voler
Rob Blake Rob Blake
Rob Bourdon Rob Bourdon
Rob Dougan Rob Dougan
Rob Halford Rob Halford
Rob Lee Robert Lee
Rob Niedermayer Rob Niedermayer
rob of enlever
Rob Pike Rob Pike
Rob Rensenbrink Robert Rensenbrink
Rob Roy Rob Roy