English French
Shooto Shooto
shop magasin
shop assistant vendeur
Shop language Langage technique
shop steward délégué syndical
shop stewardess déléguée syndicale
shop window étalage
shopkeeper détaillant
shoplift voler à l'étalage
shoplifter voleur à l'étalage
shoplifting vol à l'étalage
shopper acheteur
shopping achats
shopping bag sac à provisions
shopping basket panier
shopping cart caddie
shopping center centre commercial
shopping centre centre commercial
shopping list liste de commissions
shopping mall centre commercial
shopping spree frénésie d'achats
shopping-bag lady vagabonde
Shopska salad Salade Chopska
Shor shor
shore bord
Shore Lark Alouette hausse-col
shore up renforcer
Shorebirds Charadriiformes
Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant Centrale nucléaire de Shoreham
shoreline rivage
shores côte
shoring étançonnement
Shorinji Kempo Shorinji Kempo
shorn tondu
short net
Short cake Petit-four
short circuit court-circuit
Short Cuts Short Cuts
Short for clitoris Clitoris
Short Music for Short People Short Music for Short People
short of sauf
Short Parliament Court Parlement
Short period variable stars Etoile variable a courte peri
short scale échelle courte
short shrift refus rapide
short sleep somme
short song chanson
Short Stirling Short Stirling
short story conte
short time moment
Short-beaked Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus
Short-billed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris
Short-billed Dowitcher Bécassin roux
short-circuit contourner
Short-eared Dog Chien des buissons aux oreilles courtes
Short-eared Rock-wallaby Petrogale brachyotis
Short-finned Pilot Whale Globicephala macrorhynchus
Short-furred Dasyure Murexia
short-lived fugitif
Short-nosed bandicoot Isoodon
short-range à courte portée
Short-tail stingray Dasyatis brevicaudata
Short-tailed Albatross Albatros à queue courte
Short-tailed Blue Azuré du trèfle
Short-tailed Chinchilla Chinchilla brevicaudata
short-tailed hawk buse à queue courte
Short-tailed monitor Varanus brevicauda
Short-tailed Shearwater Puffin à bec grêle
Short-tailed vole Microtus agrestis
short-tempered coléreux
short-tempered character caractère vif
short-term à court terme
Short-time Fourier transform Transformée de Fourrier locale
Short-toed Treecreeper Grimpereau des jardins
short-winded au souffle court
shortage défaut
Shortage of Ellipse
shortbread tarte sablée
shortcoming défaut
shortcut raccourci
shorten réduire
shortened abrégé
shortening matière grasse
Shortest job next Shortest job first
shortfall déficit
Shortfin mako shark Requin mako
shorthand sténographie
shorthanded à court de personnel
shortly bientôt
Shortly after Peu de temps après
Shortly afterwards Peu de temps après
shortness concision
shortness of breath dyspnée
Shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum
shorts short
Shortsight Myopie
shortsighted irréfléchi
shortsightedness myopie
shortstop arrêt-court
shortwave ondes courtes
Shorty Baker Harold Shorty Baker
Shosha River Chocha
Shoshana Damari Shoshana Damari
Shoshenq I Sheshonq Ier
Shoshenq II Sheshonq II
Shoshenq III Sheshonq III
Shoshenq V Sheshonq V
Shoshenq VI Sheshonq IV
Shoshone National Forest Forêt nationale de Shoshone
shot photographie