English Italian
gassy gassoso
Gaston Bachelard Gaston Bachelard
Gaston Doumergue Gaston Doumergue
Gaston Julia Gaston Julia
Gaston Leroux Gaston Leroux
Gaston Maspero Gaston Maspero
Gaston Rébuffat Gaston Rébuffat
Gaston Thorn Gaston Thorn
Gastornis Gastornis
gastrectomy gastrectomia
gastric gastrico
gastric juice succo gastrico
gastritis gastrite
gastroduodenal gastroduodenale
gastroenteritis gastroenterite
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo
gastrointestinal gastrointestinale
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor Tumore stromale gastrointestinale
Gastrointestinal tract Apparato gastrointestinale
gastronome buongustaio
gastronomic gastronomico
gastronomically gastronomicamente
gastronomy gastronomia
gastropod gasteropodi
Gastropoda Gastropoda
gastrotomy gastrotomia
Gastrotrich Gastrotricha
Gastrotricha Gastrotricha
gastrovascular gastrovascolare
gastrulation gastrulazione
Gastón Gaudio Gastón Gaudio
Gastón Mazzacane Gastón Mazzacane
gaswork impianto per la produzione di gas
gasworks officina di produzione del gas
Gatchina Gatčina
gate barriera
gate money incasso
Gate Turn Off Gate Trun Off
Gate turn-off thyristor Gate Trun Off
Gate valve Valvola a saracinesca
gate-crash intrufolarsi
gateau torta
Gateaway Bridge
gatecrasher scroccone
gatekeeper cantoniere
Gatekeeper Butterfly Amaryllis
gatekeepers portiere
gateman cantoniere
gatepost pilastro del cancello
Gatersleben Gatersleben
Gateshead Gateshead
gateway passaggio
Gath GAT
gather increspare
gather speed acquistare velocità
gather together adunare
gathered accumulato
gatherer abbinatrice
gathering assembramento
Gathering of Developers Gathering of Developers