English Italian
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman
Gene Hoglan Gene Hoglan
Gene Kelly Gene Kelly
gene pool patrimonio genetico
Gene prediction Predizione dei geni
Gene Roddenberry Gene Roddenberry
Gene Simmons Gene Simmons
Gene Snitsky Gene Snitsky
Gene targeting Gene targeting
Gene Wilder Gene Wilder
genealogical genealogico
genealogist genealogista
genealogy genealogia
Genealogy of Jesus Genealogia di Gesù
general completo
general administrative order regolamento di esecuzione
general agreement approvazione
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Agreement on Trade in Services General Agreement on Trade in Services
General Alvear Partido General Alvear
General aviation Aviazione generale
General Certificate of Educat Bachelor
general character carattere generale
general chemistry chimica generale
general classification classifica generale
General Conference on Weights and Measures Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures
general delivery fermoposta
general education istruzione generale
general election elezioni generali
General epistles Lettere cattoliche
General Grievous Grievous
General Güemes Department General Güemes
General linear group Gruppo generale lineare
General Maximilian Veers Maximilian Veers
General Motors General Motors
General Motors Astra Opel Astra
General Motors Sequel GM Sequel
General Officer Generale
General Packet Radio Service General Packet Radio Service
General pardon Amnistia
general practitioner medico generico
General relativity Relatività generale
General Santander Stadium Stadio General Santander
General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Segretario Generale del PCUS
general store negozio di generi di consumo
general strike sciopero generale
General surgery Chirurgia generale
general survey visione d'insieme
General topology Topologia generale
General Zod Generale Zod
Generalife Generalife