English Italian
Hammurabi Hammurabi
Hammurapi Hammurabi
Hamoud bin Mohammed of Zanzibar Hamoud bin Mohammed di Zanzibar
Hamoukar Hamoukar
Hampden Park Hampden Park
hamper impedire
Hampshire Hampshire
Hampshire County Contea di Hampshire
Hampton Court Palace Hampton Court
Hamshenis Hamsheni
hamster criceto
hamsters accaparrare
hamstring tendine del ginocchio
Hamtaro Hamtaro
Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib
Han Chinese clothing Hanfu
Han Dynasty Dinastia Han
Han River HAN
Han Solo Ian Solo
Hana Ghana
Hana-bi Hana-bi - Fiori di fuoco
Hanan Ashrawi Hanan Ashrawi
Hanau Hanau
Hanbali Hanbalismo
Hancock Hancock
hand operaio
Hand back Rippore
hand brake freno a mano
hand down volere
hand gear leva
Hand grenade Grenada
hand in consegnare
hand it to riconoscere che
hand luggage bagaglio a mano
hand net retino
hand on far passare
hand out distribuire
hand over consegnare
hand puppet burattino
Hand rankings Mano
Hand receiver Auricolari
hand round far passare
hand saw sega a mano
Hand to hand combat Italy
Hand-held calculator Calcolatrice
hand-kissing baciamano
Hand-out Script
hand-to-hand corpo a corpo
hand-to-mouth alla giornata
Handan Handan
handbag borsa
handball palla a muro
handbill opuscolo
handbook manuale
handbrake freno a mano
handcar dresina
handcart carretto a mano
handclap battimano
handcuff manetta
handcuffs manette
handed over consegnato
handful pugno
handgrip impugnatura
handgun pistola
Handheld computer Palmare
Handheld electronic game Gioco elettronico
Handheld game console Console portatile
handhold stretta
handicap svantaggio
handicapped handicappato
handicapped person disabile
handicraft maestria
handicraft business impresa artigiana
handicraftsman artigiano
handiness abilità
handing over consegna
handiwork lavoro manuale
handiworked lavorato a mano
handkerchief fazzoletto
Handknattleiksfélag Kópavogs Handknattleiksfélag Kópavogs
handle occuparsi di
handle carefully trattare con riguardo
handle roughly abballottare
handlebar manubrio
Handlebody Corpo con manici
handler addestratore
handles manici
handling uso
Handlová Handlová
handmade fatto a mano
handmaiden serva
handout donazione
handpicked scelto
handrail balaustra
hands mano
hands over predominio
Hands Over the City Le mani sulla città
hands up mani in alto
hands-on course corso pratico
handset ascoltatore
handshake stretta di mano
handsome liberale
handsomely splendidamente
handsomeness bellezza
handstand verticale
handwork arte
handwraps bendaggio
handwriting scrittura
handwriting expert calligrafo
handwritten manoscritto