English Italian
Hostiaz Hostias
Hostice Hostice
hostile nemico
Hostilian Ostiliano
hostility inimicizia
Hostility to foreigners Xenofobia
Hostišovce Hostišovce
Hostname Host
hot discutibile
hot and bothered scalmanato
Hot Bird Hotbird
Hot dark matter Materia oscura calda
hot dog hot dog
Hot dope Scoop
hot flash caldane
hot flush caldane
Hot Fuzz Hot Fuzz
Hot in the Shade Hot in the Shade
Hot Jupiter Pianeta gioviano caldo
hot line linea diretta
Hot metal Piombo
Hot Modern Rock Tracks Modern Rock Tracks
hot plate scaldapiatti
Hot saw Sega a caldo
Hot spare Hot-spare
Hot Standby Router Protocol Hot Standby Router Protocol
Hot summer breeze Vampata di caldo
Hot swapping Hot swap
hot water acqua calda
Hot water bottle Scaldapiedi
hot water tank boiler
hot-air balloon pallone aerostatico
hot-blooded focoso
hot-tempered irascibile
hotbed focolaio
Hotchkiss et Cie Hotchkiss
hotchpotch confusione
hotel albergo
hotel and catering industry industria alberghiera
Hotel Arts Hotel Arts
Hotel Astoria Hotel Astoria
Hotel class submarine Classe Hotel
Hotel guest Transeunte
hotel industry industria alberghiera
hotel lobby hall
Hotel Petersberg Petersberg
Hotel Rwanda Hotel Rwanda
hotel servant garzone
hotelier albergatore
Hotepsekhemwy Hotepsekhemwy
hotfoot in fretta e furia
hothead testa calda
hotheaded person testa calda
hothouse serra
Hotter Than Hell Hotter Than Hell
Hottwil Hottwil
Hotwater bottle Bouillotte
Hou Hsiao-Hsien Hsiao-hsien Hou
Houaphan Houaphan
Houari Boumédienne Houari Boumédienne
Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata
Houdan Houdan
Houdeng-Aimeries Houdeng-Aimeries
Houdini Il mago Houdini
Houet Houet
Hough transform Trasformata di Hough
Houlton Houlton
hound bracco
Houndstooth Pied de poule
Houngan Oungan
hour lezione
hourglass clessidra
Hourglass Dolphin Lagenorhynchus cruciger
hourly continuo
Hourse Equus caballus
house abitazione
house agent agente immobiliare
house arrest arresti domiciliari
House Atreides Casa Atreides
House Corrino Casa Corrino
House fly Musca domestica
House Harkonnen Casa Harkonnen
House Mouse Mus musculus
House music Musica house
house number numero civico
House of Albizzi Albizi
House of Alpin Casato degli Alpin
House of Anjou Angioini
House of Argavieso Ballobar
House of Ascania Ascanidi
House of Babenberg Babenberg
House of Balliol Casato dei Balliol
House of Banu Qasi Banu Qasi
House of Bentivoglio Bentivoglio
House of Bernadotte Bernadotte
House of Bjelbo Casato di Folkung
House of Blues House of Blues
House of Borgia Borgia
House of Borromeo Borromeo
House of Bourbon Borbone
House of Braganza Duchi di Bragança
House of Branković Branković
House of Bruce Casato dei Bruce
House of Candia Casa Candia
House of Capet Capetingi
House of Commons Camera dei Comuni
House of Contarini Contarini
House of Councillors Camera dei Consiglieri del Giappone
House of Courtenay De Courtenay
House of Crnojević Dinastia Crnojević
House of Croÿ Croy
House of Dunkeld Casato dei Dunkeld
House of Eorl Casa di Eorl
House of Eric Casato di Erik
House of Este Este
House of Esterházy Esterházy
House of Farnese Farnese
House of Filicaja Da Filicaja
House of Finwë Casa di Finwë
House of Flying Daggers La foresta dei Pugnali Volanti
House of Freedoms Casa delle Libertà
House of Gonzaga Gonzaga
House of Grimaldi Grimaldi
House of Guise Guise
House of Hador Casa di Hador
House of Haleth Casa di Haleth
House of Hanover Hannover
House of Hohenstaufen Hohenstaufen
House of Hohenzollern Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
House of Karađorđević Karađorđević
House of Lancaster Casato dei Lancaster
House of Limburg-Stirum Limburg-Styrum
House of Lord Camera dei Lord
House of Lords Camera dei Lord
House of M House of M
House of Malatesta Malatesta
House of Montefeltro Da Montefeltro
House of Obrenović Obrenović
House of Oldenburg Casato degli Oldenburg
House of Ordelaffi Ordelaffi
House of Orléans Dinastia Orléans
House of Palatinate-Zweibrücken Casato di Palatinato-Zweibrücken-Kleeburg
House of Peers Pari
House of Plantagenet Angioini
House of Quality La Casa della Qualità
House of Representatives Camera dei Deputati
House of Representatives of Belarus Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti
House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina Camera dei Rappresentanti della Bosnia-Erzegovina
House of Representatives of Japan Camera dei Rappresentanti del Giappone
House of Representatives of Puerto Rico Camera dei Rappresentanti di Porto Rico
House of Responsibility Casa della responsabilità
House of Romanov Romanov
House of Sand and Fog La casa di sabbia e nebbia
House of Savoy Casa Savoia
House of Savoy-Carignan Savoia-Carignano
House of Scaliger Della Scala
House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
House of Siracusa Siracusa
House of Stuart Casato degli Stuart
House of Sverker Casato di Sverker
House of the Blackheads Casa delle Teste Nere di Riga
House of the Faun Casa del Fauno
House of the Vestals Casa delle Vestali
House of the Vettii Casa dei Vettii
House of Trastámara Trastamara