English Italian
Take the A Train Take the A Train
take the blame for it pagare per qualcosa
take the bull by the horns prendere il toro per le corna
take the credit for attribuirsi il merito di
take the liberty of permettersi di
Take the minutes Stendere un verbale
Take the Money and Run Prendi i soldi e scappa
take the piss prendere per il culo
take the rap for it pagare per qualcosa
Take the wrong turning Essere fuori strada
take things easy prendersela con calma
Take This to Your Grave Take This to Your Grave
take to cominciare a
take to heart occuparsi di
take turns alternare
take umbrage at offendersi
take up riprendere
take up a ... position on assumere una posizione ... verso
take up on a pitchfork inforcare
take up residence in stabilirsi
take up the gauntlet raccogliere il guanto
take you tôrvi
take-home pay stipendio netto
take-out da asporto
Take-Two Interactive Take Two Interactive
Takeda clan Clan Takeda
Takelet Stagno
Takelot I Usermaatra
Takelot II Hedjkheperra-setepenra
Takelot III Usermaatra-setepenamon
taken attratto
taken aback turbato
taken advantage of sfruttato
taken apart smontato
taken care of accurato
taken part intervenuto
Takeo Ta Keo
Takeo Fukuda Takeo Fukuda
Takeo Kurita Takeo Kurita
takeoff decollo
takeout piatto da asporto
takeover insediamento
taker acquirente
Takeshi Kitano Takeshi Kitano
Takeshi Urata Takeshi Urata
Takhar Province Takhar
taking attraente
taking apart smontaggio
taking into account considerando
taking leave of congendando
Taking Lives Identità violate
taking of hostages prendere in ostaggio
taking over mi incarico
takingback ritiro
takings entrata
Taklamakan Desert Deserto di Taklamakan
Taksony Taksony
Takuan Sōhō Soho Takuan
Takuma Sato Takuma Sato
TAL Numero
Tal Ben Haim Tal Ben Haim
Tal Ben-Haim Tal Ben Haim
Talal of Jordan Talal di Giordania
Talampaya National Park Parco Nazionale Talampaya
Talarurus Talarurus plicatospineus
Talas Talas
Talas Province Talas
Talas River Talas
Talatat Talatat
Talavera de la Reina Talavera de la Reina
Talbot Horizon Chrysler Horizon
Talbot Sunbeam Chrysler Sunbeam
talc talco
talc powder talco
talcose talcoso
Talcott Parsons Talcott Parsons
talcum talco
talcum powder talco
tale narrazione