English Italian
Thor Thor
Thor Heyerdahl Thor Heyerdahl
Thora Birch Thora Birch
thoracentesis toracentesi
thoracic toracico
thoracic vertebra vertebra toracica
Thoralf Skolem Albert Thoralf Skolem
Thorame-Haute Thorame-Haute
thorax petto
Thorgal Thorgal
Thorianite Thorianite
Thorigne-Fouillard Thorigne-Fouillard
Thorigné-Fouillard Thorigné-Fouillard
Thorin II Oakenshield Thorin Scudodiquercia
Thorin Oakenshield Thorin Scudodiquercia
Thorismund Torismondo
thorium torio
thorn spina
thorn bush roveto
Thorn Commission Commissione Thorn
thorn in someone's side spina nel fianco
thornbill colibrì
thornless senza spine
thorns spine
Thornton Wilder Thornton Wilder
thorntree acacia
thorny spinoso
Thorny Devil Moloch horridus
Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize Premio Rafto
thorough completo
thorough search perquisizione
thoroughbred puro
thoroughfare strada principale
thoroughgoing assoluto
thoroughly assolutamente
thoroughly bad fellow arnese
thoroughness precisione
thorp villaggio
Thorstein Veblen Thorstein Veblen
those questo
those people coloro
those present presenti
those qualified to vote elettorato
those who quelli che
Thossfell Thossfell
Thot Thot
Thoth Thot
thou tu
Thouaret Thouaret
Thouars Thouars
though comunque
thought intenzione
thought about pensato
thought experiment esperimento mentale
thought police psicopolizia
Thought wrong Malveduto
Thoughtcrimes Thoughtcrimes - Nella mente del crimine
Thoughtform Tulpa
thoughtful assorto
thoughtfully attentamente
thoughtfulness attenzione
thoughtless avventato
Thoughtless blunder Smemoratezza
thoughtlessly senza pensare
thoughts pensai
thousand mille
Thousand Sons Stirpe dei Mille
Thousand years old Millennio
thousands mille
thousandth millesimo
Thrace Tracia
Thracia Tracia
Thracian Tracia
Thracian language Lingua tracica
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Tomba tracia di Kazanlăk
Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari Tomba tracia di Sveštari
Thracians Traci
Thrakomakedones Thrakomakedones
thraldom schiavitù
thrall schiavitù
thralldom schiavitù
Thranduil Thranduil
Thrapsano Thrapsano
Thrasamund Trasamondo
thrash battere
thrash about agitarsi
thrash around agitarsi
Thrashcore Thrashcore
thrasher chi batte
thrashes bastonato
thrashing botte
thrashings bruciacchiare
thread infilare
Thread gauge Contafiletti
Thread of the conversation Gugliata
Thread pitch gauge Contafiletti
threadbare logoro
threaded filettato
Threaded discussion Thread
threading rigatura
threadlike filiforme
thready fibroso
threat minaccia
threaten minacciare