English Italian
whiskey bourbon
Whiskey Rebellion Whisky Ribellion
whisky whisky
Whisky a Go Go Whisky a Go Go
whisper voce
whisper about sparlare di
Whisper of the Heart Il sospiro del cuore
whisper to sussurrare
whisperer maldicente
whispering bisbigliamento
whist whist
whistle fischio
whistle-blower informatore
whistled fischio
whistler marmotta canadese
whistles zufolare
whistling il fischiare
whit un pochino
Whit Monday Pentecoste
Whit Sunday Pentecoste
Whitaker Whitaker
white bianco
white Anglo-Saxon Protestant WASP
white ant termite
white blood cell leucocita
white blood corpuscle leucocita
white bream scardova
white cabbage cavolo bianco
White Carpathians Carpazi Bianchi
white chocolate cioccolato bianco
White Christmas Bianco Natale
White Cloud Mountain minnow Cardinale
white coat camice
White Council Bianco Consiglio
White County Contea di White
White Croatia Croazia bianca
White Croats Croazia bianca
White cross Anfetamina
white currant ribes bianco
white daisy margherita
White death Carcharodon carcharias
White dwarf Nana bianca
White Fang Zanna Bianca
white flag bandiera bianca
white frost brina
white gold oro bianco
White grouse Lagopus lagopus
White Guard Armata Bianca
white haired canuto
white hot incandescente
White House Casa Bianca
White Knight Chronicles White Knight Story
White label White label
White Lake Lago Bianco
white lie bugia pietosa
White lion Panthera leo krugeri
white man bianco
white marriage matrimonio in bianco
white meat carne bianca
white metal metallo bianco
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal Monumenti bianchi di Vladimir e Suzdal
White Mountains Ered Nimrais
White movement Armata Bianca
white mulberry gelso bianco
White Nights Le notti bianche
White Nile Nilo bianco
White of an egg Chiara
White Oleander White Oleander
White oxeye Leucanthemum vulgare
White people Caucasico
white pepper pepe bianco
White Plains White Plains
White pointer Carcharodon carcharias
White Rabbit Coniglio Bianco
White ribbon Campagna del Fiocco Bianco
White Rose Rosa Bianca
White Russia Russia Bianca
White Russian White Russian
White Ruthenia Rutenia Bianca
White sapote Casimiroa edulis
white sauce besciamella
White Scars Furie Bianche
White Sea Mar Bianco
White Sea-Baltic Canal Canale Mar Bianco-Mar Baltico
White Serbia Serbia bianca
White Shepherd Dog Pastore Svizzero bianco
White Star Line White Star Line
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
White swan Cygnus olor
white table wine vino bianco da tavola
White Teeth Denti bianchi
White Tower of Thessaloniki Torre Bianca di Salonicco
White Tree of Gondor Albero Bianco di Gondor
white truffle tartufo bianco
white turnip rapa
white water rapide
White widow White widow
white wine vino bianco
white woman bianca
White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus
White-beaked Dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris
white-bearded antshrike averla formichiera pettonero
White-bellied Duiker Cephalophus leucogaster
white-billed diver strolaga beccogiallo
White-cheeked Crested Gibbon Nomascus leucogenys
white-coffee cappuccino
white-collar impiegato
white-collar crime criminalità dei colletti bianchi
white-collar worker impiegato
white-crowned plover pavoncella corona bianca
White-eared Pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon
White-eyed pochard Aythya nyroca
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata
white-haired canuto
White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis
white-hot incandescente
White-naped Crane Grus vipio
White-nosed Coati Nasua narica
white-paper relazione governativa
white-rumped hawk poiana groppone bianco
white-shouldered antshrike averla formichiera spallebianche
white-tailed deer cervo della Virginia
White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla
white-tailed hawk poiana codabianca americana
White-tailed Iora Aegithina nigrolutea
White-tailed Mongoose Ichneumia albicauda
White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus
white-throated hawk poiana golabianca
White-throated Tinamou Tinamus guttatus
white-tie in frac
White-toothed rat Berylmys
White-winged scoter Melanitta fusca
whiteboard lavagna
Whitehall Whitehall
Whitehorse Whitehorse
Whitelighter Angelo bianco
whitely biancastro
whiten imbiancare
whitener imbianchino
whiteness bianca
whitening imbianchimento
whiter uomo bianco
whites sai
whitesmith lattoniere
Whitesnake Whitesnake
whitethorn biancospino
whitethroat sterpazzola
whitetip reef shark squalo pinna bianca del reef
whitewash cancellare
whitewasher imbianchino
whitewashing imbiancatura
Whith each other Comune
whiting merlano
whitish biancastro
Whitkirk Whitkirk
whitlow circolazione
Whitney Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston Whitney Houston
Whitney Smith Whitney Smith
Whitney-on-Wye Whitney-on-Wye
Whitsun di Pentecoste