English Dutch
Constantin Sănătescu Constantin Sănătescu
Constantin von Tischendorf Konstantin von Tischendorf
Constantina Constantine
Constantine Constantijn
Constantine Bodin Konstantin Bodin
Constantine I Constantijn de Grote
Constantine I of Greece Constantijn I van Griekenland
Constantine I of Scotland Constantijn I van Griekenland
Constantine II Constantijn II van Rome
Constantine II of Greece Constantijn II van Griekenland
Constantine II of Scotland Constantijn II van Rome
Constantine III Constantijn III Herakleios
Constantine III of Britain Constantijn III van Brittannië
Constantine III of Scotland Constantijn III Herakleios
Constantine IV Constantijn IV
Constantine IX Monomachos Constantijn IX Monomachos
Constantine Karamanlis Konstantinos Karamanlis
Constantine Laskaris Constantijn XI Laskaris
Constantine Maroulis Constantine
Constantine Province Constantine
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque Constantine Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz
Constantine V Constantijn V Kopronymos
Constantine VI Constantijn VI
Constantine VII Constantijn VII Porphyrogennetos
Constantine VIII Constantijn VIII
Constantine X Constantijn X Doukas
Constantine XI Constantijn XI Palaiologos Dragases
Constantine Ypsilantis Constantijn Ypsilanti
Constantino Zaballa Constantino Zaballa
Constantinople Constantinopel
Constantinople fell Beleg en val van Constantinopel
Constantinos Christoforou Constantinos Christoforou
Constantinus I Paus Constantinus I
Constantinus the Great Paus Constantinus I
Constantius Constantius
Constantius Chlorus Constantius I Chlorus
Constantius I Chlorus Constantius I Chlorus
Constantius II Constantius II
Constantius III Constantius III
constantly aanhoudend
Constanze Mozart Constanze Weber
Constanţa Constanţa
Constanţa County District Constanţa
Constelació Esportiva Constelació Esportiva
constellation sterrenbeeld
consternation ontzetting
constipate stoppen
constipated geconstipeerd
constipating verstoppend
constipation verstopping
Constitución Department Constitución
constituency kiesdistrict
constituent constituerend
Constituent assembly Nationale Grondwetgevende Vergadering
constitute samenstellen
constituting constituerend
constitution aard
Constitution of Belgium Belgische Grondwet
Constitution of Canada Canadese Grondwet
Constitution of Croatia Grondwet van Kroatië
Constitution of Finland Finse Grondwet
Constitution of France Franse Grondwet
Constitution of Ireland Ierse Grondwet
Constitution of Italy Italiaanse Grondwet
Constitution of Medina Verdrag van Medina
Constitution of Norway Noorse Grondwet
Constitution of Portugal Grondwet
Constitution of Russia Grondwet van de Russische Federatie
Constitution of Sweden Grondwet
Constitution of the Netherlands Nederlandse Grondwet
Constitution of the United Kingdom Britse Grondwet
Constitution of the United States of America Grondwet van de Verenigde Staten
Constitution State Connecticut
constitutional constitutioneel
Constitutional Court of Belgium Grondwettelijk Hof
Constitutional Court of Italy Grondwettelijk Hof
Constitutional Democratic Party Constitutioneel-Democratische Partij
Constitutional Province of Callao Callao
Constitutionalist Liberal Party Liberaal Constitutionalistische Partij
Constitutions of Clarendon Constituties van Clarendon
constrain forceren
constrained gedwongen
constraining dwingend
constraint dwang
constrict vernauwen
constriction beklemming
Constrictive pericarditis Pericarditis constrictiva
Constrictor knot Constrictorknoop
constringing vernauwing
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles
construct bouwen
constructed language kunsttaal
Constructed wetland Helofytenfilter
Constructed world Geofictie
Constructicons Demolition Man