English Dutch
Guithelin Guithelin
Guiyang Guiyang
Guizhou Guizhou
Gujarat Gujarat
Gujarati Gujarati
Gujarati language Gujarati
Gujarati script Gujarati
Gujranwala Gujranwala
Gulbene District Gulbene
gulch ravijn
Guldbollen Europees voetballer van het jaar
Guldborgsund municipality Guldborgsund
gulden gulden
Gulen Gulen
gules keel
gulf bocht
Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae
Gulf of Aden Golf van Aden
Gulf of Alaska Golf van Alaska
Gulf of Anadyr Golf van Anadyr
Gulf of Aqaba Golf van Akaba
Gulf of Bothnia Botnische Golf
Gulf of California Golf van Californië
Gulf of Carpentaria Golf van Carpentaria
Gulf of Corinth Golf van Korinthe
Gulf of Cádiz Golf van Cádiz
Gulf of Finland Finse Golf
Gulf of Fonseca Golf van Fonseca
Gulf of Gabès Golf van Gabès
Gulf of Genoa Golf van Genua
Gulf of Guinea Golf van Guinee
Gulf of Hammamet Golf van Hammamet
Gulf of Honduras Golf van Honduras
Gulf of İskenderun Iskenderun
Gulf of Kutch Golf van Kutch
Gulf of Lion Golfe du Lion
Gulf of Lions Golfe du Lion
Gulf of Maine Golf van Maine
Gulf of Mannar Golf van Mannar
Gulf of Mexico Golf van Mexico
Gulf of Morbihan Morbihan
Gulf of Naples Golf van Napels
Gulf of Ob Obboezem
Gulf of Oman Golf van Oman
Gulf of Panama Golf van Panama
Gulf of Papua Papoea
Gulf of Paria Golf van Paria
Gulf of Patras Golf van Patras
Gulf of Piran Baai van Piran
Gulf of Riga Golf van Riga
Gulf of Saint Lawrence Saint Lawrencebaai
Gulf of Suez Golf van Suez
Gulf of Tadjoura Golf van Tadjoura
Gulf of Taranto Golf van Tarente
Gulf of Thailand Golf van Thailand
Gulf of Tonkin Golf van Tonkin
Gulf of Tonkin Incident Tonkin-incident
Gulf of Trieste Golf van Triëst
Gulf of Valencia Golf van Valencia
Gulf of Venezuela Golf van Venezuela
Gulf of Venice Golf van Venetië
Gulf Oil Gulf Oil
Gulf Province Gulf Oil
Gulf Stream Golfstroom
Gulf War Golfoorlog
Gulf War syndrome Golfsyndroom
Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream Aerospace