English Dutch
The Outlaws The Outlaws
The Outsiders The Outsiders
The Ox Stier
The Pale Pale
The Panic in Needle Park The Panic in Needle Park
The Parent Trap The Parent Trap
The Parnassus Parnassus
The Partner The Partner
The Party The Party
The Passion of the Christ The Passion of the Christ
The Passion of the Jew The Passion of the Jew
The Path of Daggers Het Pad der Dolken
The Path to the Nest of Spiders Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
The Patrician The Patrician
The Patriot The Patriot
The Patriotic Song Patriottenlied
The Peasant Wedding De Boerenbruiloft
The Pelican Brief The Pelican Brief
The Pentagon Pentagon
The Perfect Man The Perfect Man
The Perfect Score The Perfect Score
The Perfect Storm The Perfect Storm
The Persistence of Memory De volharding der herinnering
The Petrified Forest The Petrified Forest
The Phantom The Phantom
The Phantom of the Opera Spook van de Opera
The Phenomenology of Spirit Phänomenologie des Geistes
The Philadelphia Experiment Philadelphia-experiment
The Philadelphia Story The Philadelphia Story
The Pianist The Pianist
The Piano The Piano
The Piano Teacher La Pianiste
The Picture of Dorian Gray Het portret van Dorian Gray
The Pied Piper of Hamelin Rattenvanger van Hamelen
The Pigeon Die Taube
The Pilgrim The Pilgrim
the pill de pil
The Pilot The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate
The Pink Panther The Pink Panther
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
the plain unvarnished truth de onverbloemde waarheid
The Plains of Passage Het dal der beloften
The Plainsman Buffalo Bill
The Planet of the Apes De Apenplaneet
The Planets The Planets
The Plastic Age The Plastic Age
The Player De Speler
The Player of Games De Speler
The Polar Express The Polar Express
The Poldark Novels Poldark
The Portrait of a Lady The Portrait of a Lady
The Poseidon Adventure The Poseidon Adventure
The Possessed Wraith
The Postman Il postino
The Potato Eaters De aardappeleters
The Power and the Glory The Power and the Glory
The Power of Good-Bye The Power of Good-bye
The Power of Nightmares The Power of Nightmares
The Powerpuff Girls The Powerpuff Girls
The Praise of Folly Lof der zotheid
The Presidents of the United States of America The Presidents of the United States of America
The Presidio Presidio
The Prestige The Prestige
The Pretender The Pretender
The Price Is Right Prijzenslag
The Prince De vorst
The Prince of Egypt The Prince of Egypt
The Princess and the Pea De prinses op de erwt
The Princess Diaries The Princess Diaries
The Prisoner The Prisoner
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex
The Prodigy The Prodigy
The Proms Proms
The Prophet Dov Elkabas
The Proposition Soorten zinnen
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Protocollen van de wijzen van Sion
The Proud Family Movie The Proud Family Movie
The Prydain Chronicles De Avonturen van Taran
The Public Enemy The Public Enemy
The Punisher The Punisher
The Pursuit of Happyness The Pursuit of Happyness
The Quarrymen The Quarrymen
The Queen The Queen