English Portuguese
behave comportar-se
behave oneself badly portar-se mal
behave oneself well comportar-se
behave towards tratar
behave well comportar-se
behave yourself ! comporte-se
behavior comportamento
behavioral comportamental
behavioral sciencescious ciências do comportamento
behaviorism behaviorismo
behaviour comportamento
behaviour of substances comportamento das substâncias
behaviour pattern padrões de comportamento
behavioural science ciências do comportamento
behead decapitar
beheader decapitador
beheading decapitação
Behemot Behemoth
behemoth Beemôt
behest ordem
behind depois
behind bars atrás das grades
behind closed doors dentro de quatro paredes
behind scenes nos bastidores
Behind the Front Behind the Front
Behind the Green Door Behind the Green Door
behind the scenes atrás dos bastidores
Behind the Sun Abril Despedaçado
behind the wheel no volante
behind time atrasado(relógio)
behindhand atrasado
behindl inferior a
behindough atráss
Behistun Inscription Inscrição de Behistun
behold ver
beholder observador
behoove convir
behove convir
Behring Straits Estreito de Bering
Behringen Beringen
Behçet's disease doença de Behçet
Beiarn Beiarn
beige bege
Beijing Pequim
Beijing Capital International Airport Aeroporto Internacional de Pequim
Beijing National Stadium Estádio Nacional de Pequim
Beilstein Beilstein
Beilstein database Beilstein
being existência
Being and Time Ser e Tempo
Being Human Being Human
Being Ian Se liga Ian
Being John Malkovich Being John Malkovich
Being sick Emese
Being There Being There
Beintza-Labaien Beintza-Labaien
Beinwil Beinwil
Beinwil am See Beinwil am See
Beipiaosaurus Beipiaossauro