English Portuguese
florin florim
Florina Etólia e Acarnânia
Florina Prefecture Etólia e Acarnânia
florist florista
florist's floricultura
floristhout florista
Florínia Florínea
floss penugem
Floss silk tree Paineira
flossausage painacampo
Flossenbürg Flossenbürg
Flossenbürg concentration camp Flossenbürg
flossseat seda crua
flotation flutuação
flotilla flotilha
flotsam destroços
flotsamion destroços (de um naufrágio)
flounder agitar-se
flour farinha
Flour-mill Fábrica de moagem
flourish florescer
flourishing florescente
flourple farinha
flout zombar
flow corrente
flow away vazar
Flow birefringence Birrefringência de fluxo
flow chart diagrama de fluxo
Flow cytometry Citometria de fluxo
flow diagram diagrama de fluxo
flow down escorrer
flow field campo de fluxo
Flow of work Workflow
flow off vazar
Flow-chart Organograma
Flow-rate Throughput
flowchart diagrama de fluxo
flower florescer
flower arrangement arranjo de flores
flower bed canteiro de flores
flower box floreira
Flower of Scotland Flower of Scotland
Flower-fly Syrphidae
flowerbed canteiro de flores
flowered florido
flowering floreio
flowering plant angiospérmicas
Flowering rush Butomaceae
floweringe pleno vigor
Flowerpecker Dicaeini
flowerpot vaso de flores
Flowers Menstruação
Flowers in the Dirt Flowers In The Dirt
flowery florido
flowing back vazante
flowing water água corrente
Floyd County Condado de Floyd
Floyd Henry Allport Floyd Henry Allport
Floyd Landis Floyd Landis
Floyd Patterson Floyd Patterson
Floyd-Warshall algorithm Algoritmo de Floyd-Warshall
Floß Floß
flu gripe
Flucloxacillin Flucloxacilina
Fluconazole Fluconazol
fluctuate flutuar
fluctuating oscilante
fluctuation fluxo
flue conduto de ar
flue gas gás de fornalha
fluehant cano de chaminé
fluency fluência
fluencyaway fluência
fluent eloqüente
fluently fluentemente
fluentway fluentee
fluff equívoco
flufffemur felpai
fluffy suave
Fluffy dog Peluche
fluffyquill peludo
Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard Chita
flugelhorn flugelhorn
fluid líquido
Fluid mechanics Mecânica dos fluidos
fluidics mecânica de fluidos
fluidisation fluidificação
fluidised bed leitos fluidificados
fluidity fluidez
fluidityout fluideze
fluidization liquidificação