English Portuguese
Gulen Gulen
gules goles
gulf golfo
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve Parque Nacional Gulf Islands
Gulf of Aden Golfo de Áden
Gulf of Aqaba Golfo de Acaba
Gulf of Boothia Península de Boothia
Gulf of Bothnia Golfo de Bótnia
Gulf of California Golfo da Califórnia
Gulf of Corinth Golfo de Corinto
Gulf of Finland golfo da Finlândia
Gulf of Fonseca Golfo de Fonseca
Gulf of Gabès Golfo de Gabès
Gulf of Guayaquil Golfo de Guayaquil
Gulf of Guinea Golfo da Guiné
Gulf of Lion Golfo do Leão
Gulf of Lions Golfo do Leão
Gulf of Maine Maine
Gulf of Mexico Golfo do México
Gulf of Mexicolap golfo do México
Gulf of Morbihan Morbihan
Gulf of Nicoya Golfo de Nicoya
Gulf of Oman Golfo de Omã
Gulf of Riga Golfo de Riga
Gulf of Sidra Golfo de Sidra
Gulf of Thailand Golfo da Tailândia
Gulf of Venezuela Golfo da Venezuela
Gulf Oil Gulf Oil
Gulf Province Gulf Oil
Gulf Stream Corrente do Golfo
Gulf War Guerra do Golfo
gulfan Gulf flap golfoPérsico
Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream
Gulfstream V Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V
gull gaivota
gullet goela
gullibility credulidade
gullible ingênuo
Gullinbursti Gullinbursti
Gulliver Gulliver
gully boçorocaatório
gully washer (Old West slang) aguaceiro
gulp tomar
gulp down engolir
gum chiclete
gum arabic goma-arábica
gum tree árvore gomífera
gum-lac goma-lacascar
gumboil abcesso gengival
Gummarus São Gomário
Gummi elasticum Borracha
gummy pegajoso
Gump Worsley Gump Worsley
gumption coragem
gun berro
gun down queimar
Gun propellant Pólvora
gun-carriage injetor-carruagem
gunboat canhoneira
GunBound GunBound
Gunbuster Gunbuster
Gundam Gundam
Gundelfingen Gundelfingen
Gundemar Gundemaro
gundog cão de caça
Gundsø Gundsø
gunfire disparo
Gungnir Gungnir
Gungunhana Ngungunhane
gunk sujeira
Gunma Prefecture Gunma
gunman pistoleiro
Gunnar Gren Gunnar Gren
Gunnar Myrdal Gunnar Myrdal
Gunnar Nordahl Gunnar Nordahl