English Portuguese
pusillanimity pusilanimidade
pusillanimous pusilânime
puss bichano estimação
Puss Gets the Boot Puss Gets the Boot
pussy bichano
pussycat garota (gíria)ama
Pussycat Dolls The Pussycat Dolls
pussye bichano estimação
pussyelly gatinha
pustule pústula
put posto
put a dust cover on encapar
put a dust jacket on encapar
put a great strain on requerer muito de
put a jacket on encapar
put a seal on fechar
put a spell on encantar
put a tail on seguir os passos de
put across fazer crer
put ashore aportar
put aside deixar de lado
put away guardar
put back recolocar
put back down pousar
put by guardar
put down colocar
put down in writing colocar em papel
put forward sugerir
put in incluir
put in a casket colocar no caixão
put in a coffin colocar no caixão
put in chains acorrentar
put in for candidatar-se
put in order acertar
put in overtime fazer hora extra
put in place colocar no lugar
put in the shade ofuscar
put into somebody's head inculcar na mente de alguém
put near aproximar
put off dissuadir
put on acender
put on a brave face agüentar firme
put on flesh engordar
put on formal clothes produzir-se
put on weight engordar
put oneself out esforçar-se
put option opção de venda
put out anestesiar
put out to tender pôr em concorrência
put over fazer crer
put right acertar
put someone in a difficult situation botar alguém em uma situação difícil
put straight acertar
put the finishing touches to dar os toques finais em
put the record straight esclarecer
put through arrematar
put to death executar
put to test testar
put to the proof testar
put to the test testar
put to use usar
put to work empregado
put together fazer
put under seal fechar
put up acomodar
put up a struggle reclamar
put up for raffle rifar
put up for sale por à venda
put up with suportar
put-off desculpa
put-on farsa
putative putativo
putativeeeser reputado
putativeion putativoo