English Portuguese
Rhizophoraceae Rhizophoraceae
Rhizophorales Rhizophoraceae
rhizosphere rizosfera
Rhizostomae Rhizostomeae
Rhodamine Rodamina
Rhode Rodes
Rhode Island Rhode Island
Rhode Island - Providence Estados dos Estados Unidos da América
Rhode Island Red Rhode Island
Rhodes Rodes
Rhodes blood libel Libelo de Sangue de Rodes
Rhodes piano Piano Rhodes
Rhodesia Rodésia
Rhodesian Ridgeback Rhodesian Ridgeback
rhodium ródio
rhododendron rododendro
Rhodope Mountains Rodhopi
Rhodope Prefecture Rodhopi
Rhodopis Rodhopi
rhodopsin rodopsina
Rhodos Rodes
Rhodotypos Rhodotypos
Rhoipteleaceae Rhoiptelea chiliantha
rhomb rombo
rhombic rômbico
Rhombic dodecahedron Dodecaedro rômbico
Rhombic triacontahedron Triacontaedro rômbico
rhombicosidodecahedron rombicosidodecaedro
Rhombicuboctahedron Rombicuboctaedro
rhomboid romboidal
Rhombozoa Rhombozoa
rhombus rombo
Rhona Rio Ródano
Rhona Mitra Rhona Mitra
Rhone Ródano
Rhopalostylis Rhopalostylis
rhubarb ruibarbo
Rhubarbs Rheum
Rhuddanian Rhuddaniano
Rhumspringe Rhumspringe
Rhyacian Rhyaciano
rhyme rima
rhymeanate rimao(boxe)
rhymed em versos
rhymester poetastra
Rhyming word Consoante
Rhynchocalyx Rhynchocalycaceae
Rhynchosaur Rincossauro
Rhynchospora Rhynchospora
Rhysodidae Rhysodidae
rhythm ritmo
Rhythm and blues Rhythm and blues
rhythm section seção rítmica
rhythmic rítmico
rhythmic gymnastics ginástica rítmica
rhythmical rítmico
Rhythmophone Rhythmophone
Rhäzüns Rhäzüns
Rhêmes-Saint-Georges Rhêmes-Saint-Georges
Rhône Ródano
Rhône River Rio Ródano
Rhône wine Ródano
Rhône-Alpes Ródano-Alpes
Rhön-Grabfeld Rhön-Grabfeld
RIA Novosti RIA Novosti
Riace Warriors Bronzes de Riace
rial rial
Rialto Bridge Ponte de Rialto
Rianxo Rianxo
Riau Riau
Riau Islands Arquipélago de Riau
Riaz Riaz
rib reforço
rib cage caixa torácica
Rib vault Abóbada em cruzaria
Riba-roja de Túria Riba-roja de Túria
ribald ribaldo