English Portuguese
WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne WDR Orquestra Sinfónica de Colónia
we nós
We Are the Champions We Are the Champions
We Are the Streets We Are the Streets
We Are the World We Are the World
We Die Young We Die Young
We Were Soldiers We Were Soldiers
weak pobre
Weak and strong atheism Ateísmo forte
Weak atheism Ateísmo cético
Weak interaction Força nuclear fraca
weak nuclear interaction interação nuclear fraca
weak spot ponto fraco
Weak topology Convergência fraca
weak-headed mole
weak-kneed mole
weak-minded tonto
weaken diminuir
weakening debilitante
weakling molenga
weakly fraca
weakness debilidade
weakness exact ponto fraco
weaknesssk fraquezaront (de batalha)
wealth exuberância
wealthy farto
wealthy man grã-fino
wealthy woman grã-fina
wealthyshncast abastado
wean desmamar
wean off esquecer
weaning desmama
weapon armas
weapon of mass destruction arma de destruição em massa
weaponry armamento
weaponryn meios de defesa
weapons armamento
Weapons of Star Trek Torpedo
wear gastar
wear away gastar
wear down gastar
wear off diminuir
wear out gastar
wear rose-colored glasses
wear the trousers mandar
wear thin gastar
weariness exaustão
wearinessk cansaço
wearing fatigante
wearisome monótono
wearisomet exaustivo
weary morto
weary of cansar-se de
wearydeed fatigado
wearying fatigante
weasel doninha
weaselle doninha
Weasley family Família Weasley
weather tempo
weather balloon balão meteorológico
weather forecast previsão do tempo
Weather fronts Sistema frontal
weather map mapa
Weather service Meteorologia
weather station estação meteorológica
weather vane ventoinha
weather-beaten castigado pelo mau tempo
weatherboard tábua de revestimento
weatherboarding tábua de revestimento
weathercock cata-vento
weathering intemperismo
Weathering steel Aço corten