English Portuguese
White Star Line White Star Line
white stork cegonha-branca
White swan Cisne-branco
white table wine vinho branco de mesa
white tea chá branco
White Tern Trinta-réis-branco
White Tower of Thessaloniki Torre Branca
white turnip nabo
white wagtail alvéola-branca
white water corredeira
white wine vinho branco
White wine with liqueur Kir
White Witch Feiticeira Branca
White Woodpecker Pica-pau-branco
White-backed Duck Pato-de-dorso-branco
White-beaked Dolphin Golfinho-de-bico-branco
White-bellied Bustard Abetarda-de-barriga-branca
White-breasted Guineafowl Pintada-de-peito-branco
White-cheeked Pintail Marreca-toicinho
White-cheeked Turaco Tauraco leucotis
white-collar de
white-collar crime crime do colarinho branco
white-collar worker empregado de escritório
White-collared Kite Gavião-de-pescoço-branco
White-collared Pigeon Columba albitorques
white-collary colarinho branco
White-eye Zosteropidae
White-eyed Conure Periquitão-maracanã
White-faced Ibis Caraúna
White-faced Whistling Duck Irerê
White-headed Capuchin Cebus
White-headed Marmoset Sagüi-de-cara-branca
White-headed Plover Barbilhão-de-gola-branca
white-hot incandescente
White-nosed Coati Quati-de-nariz-branco
White-quilled Bustard Eupodotis afraoides
white-rumped hawk gavião-de-sobre-branco
White-shouldered Fairy-wren Malurus alboscapulatus
white-tailed deer suaçuapara
white-tailed eagle pigargo
white-tailed hawk gavião-de-rabo-branco
White-tailed Ptarmigan Lagópode-de-cauda-branca
White-tailed Rat Brachytarsomys albicauda
White-throated Tinamou Inhambu-galinha
white-tie em fraque e gravata branca
White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus
White-winged Nightjar Bacurau-de-rabo-branco
whiteboard quadro
Whitehall Palácio de Whitehall
Whitehorse Whitehorse
Whiteline topminnow Fundulus albolineatus
Whiteman Air Force Base Whiteman AFB
whiten clarear
whitener alvejante
whiteness brancura
whitening branqueamento
whiteple branco
Whitesnake Whitesnake
whitewash encobrir
whither aonde
whiting pescada-marlonga
whitish esbranquiçado
Whitley County Condado de Whitley
whitlow panarício
Whitman massacre Massacre Whitman
Whitney Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston Whitney Houston
Whitney Smith Whitney Smith
whitsubject partícula
Whitsun de Pentecostes
Whitsunday domingo de Pentecostes
Whitsuntide Semana de Pentecostes
whittle away aparar
whittle down entalhar
whiz zumbido
whiz by correr
whiz kid menino prodígio
whiz out sair voando
whiz past passar voando
whizz crânio
whizz by correr
whizz kid menino prodígio
whizz past passar voando
Whizzkid Gênio
who que
who are you quem é você
Who Framed Roger Rabbit Who Framed Roger Rabbit
who knows quem sabe_
who's calling quem está falando
who_ quem_
whodunit romance
whodunitipepoch-making história de mistérios(EUA)
whoever quem
whoever it may berpt seja onde for
whole completo
whole kit and boodle o troço todo (gíria)
whole milk leite gordo
whole night noitada
whole note semibreve
whole noteotetone semibreveia
whole step tom inteiro
Whole tone scale Escala Hexafônica
whole wheat trigo integral
whole-hearted forte
whole-owned subsidiary subsidiária integral
whole-weat trigo integral
wholeheartedly detest detestar do fundo do coração
wholeness totalidade
wholesale total
wholesale dealer atacadista
wholesale price preço de atacado
wholesale priceature preço por atacado
wholesale slaughter matança
wholesaler atacadista
wholesome bom
wholly completamente
wholly occupied absorvido
wholly-owned subsidiary subsidiária integral
whollyagency (animal) por inteiroio de
whom que