English Swedish
cantankerous stridslysten
Cantarell Field Cantarell
cantata kantat
canteen matsal
canter rida i kort galopp
Canterbury Canterbury
Canterbury Cathedral Katedralen i Canterbury
Canterbury scene Canterbury scene
canticle lovsång
Canticle of the Sun Solsången
Canticles Höga Visan
cantilever konsol
Cantillon Brewery Brasserie Cantillon
Cantinflas Cantinflas
Canting arms Talande vapen
canto sång
Canto Nuevo Nueva Canción
canton kanton
Canton of Baden Baden
Canton of Basel Basel
Canton of Bayeux Bayeux
Canton of Berne Bern
Canton of Fribourg Fribourg
Canton of Geneva Genève
Canton of Glarus Glarus
Canton of Jura Jura
Canton of Lucerne Luzern
Canton of Lugano Lugano
Canton of Montreuil Montreuil-sur-Mer
Canton of Neuchâtel Neuchâtel
Canton of Schaffhausen Schaffhausen
Canton of Schwyz Schwyz
Canton of Solothurn Solothurn
Canton of Tarascon Tarascon
Canton of Uri Uri
Canton of Zug Zug
Canton of Zürich Zürich
Cantonese kantonesiska
Cantonese cuisine Kantonesiska köket
Cantons of Ecuador Kanton
Cantons of France Frankrikes kantoner
Cantons of Luxembourg Luxemburgs kantoner
Cantons of Switzerland Schweiz kantoner
Cantons of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department Kantoner i departementet Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Cantons of the Corse-du-Sud department Kantoner i departementet Corse-du-Sud
Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federationen Bosnien och Hercegovinas kantoner
Cantons of the Federation of Bòsnia and Herzegovina Federationen Bosnien och Hercegovinas kantoner
cantopop kantopop
cantor kantor
Cantor set Cantormängden
Cantus firmus Cantus firmus
Canuck kanadick
Canute Knut
Canute I of Sweden Knut Eriksson
Canute II of Sweden Knut Långe
Canute IV of Denmark Knut den helige
Canute Lavard Knut Lavard
Canute the Great Knut den store
Canute V of Denmark Knut Magnusson av Danmark
Canute VI of Denmark Knut VI
canvas kanfas
canvas (to paint on) duk
canvass opinionsundersökning
canvass on göra en opinionsundersökning
canvasser ackvisitör
canvassing röstvärvning
canyon kanjon
Canzona Sång
Cao Bang Province Cao Bang
Cao Cao Cao Cao
Cao Dai Cao Dai
Caodong Sotoskolan
caoutchouc gummi
cap kapsyl
Cap Arcona Cap Arcona
Cap-Vert Kap Verdehalvön
capabilites möjligheter
capability duglighet
Capability Brown Capability Brown
Capability Maturity Model Capability Maturity Model
capable kompetent
capableness duglighet
capably kompetent
capacious omfattande
capacitance kapacitans
Capacitator Kondensator
capacities kapaciteter
capacitor kondensator
capacity tillgångar
Caparezza Caparezza
cape krage
Cape Agulhas Agulhas
Cape Agulhas Local Municipality Agulhas
Cape Arkona Kap Arkona
Cape Baba Kap Baba
Cape Bojador Kap Bojador
Cape Breton Island Kap Bretonön
Cape Byron Kap Byron
Cape Canaveral Cape Canaveral
Cape Chidley Kap Chidley
Cape Coast Castle Cape Coast
Cape Cod Cape Cod
Cape Colony Kapkolonin
Cape Doctor Cape Doctor
Cape Finisterre Kap Finisterre
Cape Fox Kama
Cape Fur Seal Sydafrikansk pälssäl
Cape Gannet Kapsula
cape gooseberry kapkrusbär
Cape Guardafui Kap Gardafai
Cape Hare Kaphare
Cape Horn Kap Horn
Cape lion Kaplejon
Cape Lopatka Skulderblad
Cape Matapan Matapan
Cape Morris Jesup Kap Morris Jesup
Cape Nordkinn Kinnarodden
Cape of Good Hope Godahoppsudden
Cape Peninsula Kaphalvön
Cape Petrel Brokpetrell
Cape Province Kapprovinsen
Cape Sōya Sojaböna
Cape Town Kapstaden
Cape Trafalgar Kap Trafalgar
Cape Verde Kap Verde
Cape Verde Islands Kap Verde
Cape Verde national football team Kap Verdes fotbollslandslag
Cape Verdean escudo Kapverdisk escudo
Cape York Peninsula Kap Yorkhalvön
Capella Capella
Capellen Capellen
caper rasa
capercaillie tjäder
capercailzie tjäder
Capernaum Kafarnaum
capers kapris
Capetian dynasty Capetinger
Capgras delusion Capgras syndrom
capillary hårfin
Capillary electrophoresis Kapillärelektrofores
capisce begrips
capital förmögenhet