English Danish
Calcspar Kalk
calculate beregne
calculation beregning
calculation method beregningsmetode
Calculator Lommeregner
Calculus Infinitesimalregning
Calcutta Calcutta
Calder Memorial Trophy Calder Memorial Trophy
Caldera Caldera
Calderas Krater
Calea zacatechichi DreamInducer
Caleb Kaleb
Caledonia Skotland
calendar kalender
Calendar era Jordens historie
Calendula officinalis Have-Morgenfrue
calf kalv
Calgary Calgary
Calgary Flames Calgary Flames
Calgary International Airport Calgary International Airport
Caliban Caliban
Caliber Kaliber
calibration kalibrering
Calidrid Sneppefugle
Calif Californien
Califate Kalif
California Californien
California Condor Amerikanske gribbe og kondorer
California Incense Cedar Flodceder
Californian Californien
californium californium
Caligae Caliga
Caligraphy Kalligrafi
Caligula Caligula
caliper caliper
calipers skydelære
Caliph Kalif
Caliphate Kalifat
Calisota Calisota
call råbe
call an ambulance ring efter en ambulance
Call of Duty Call of Duty
Call off the Search Call off the Search
call on besøge
call the police ring efter politiet
Callao Lima
Callar Halskæde
called kaldet
Calligraphy Kalligrafi
Calliope Kalliope
Callirhoe Callirrhoe
Callirrhoe Callirrhoe
Callisto Callisto
Callitropsis Guldcypres
Callitropsis nootkatensis Nutka-Cypres
calm stille
Calocedrus Flodceder
Calor gas Butan
Calor gas ® Butan
calorie kalorie
Caltha Kabbeleje
Caltha palustris Eng-Kabbeleje
Calvados Calvados
Calvary Korsfæstelse
Calvin Jean Calvin
Calvin and Hobbes Steen og Stoffer
Calvin Coolidge Calvin Coolidge
Calvin cycle Calvin-cyklus
Calvin Klein Calvin Klein
Calvinism Calvinisme
Calypso Kalypso
Calypso music Calypso
Calystegia Snerle
Calystegia sepium Gærde-Snerle
Cam shaft Knastaksel
Cama Seng
Camargue Camarguedeltaet
Camberwell beauty Sørgekåbe
Cambodia Cambodja
Cambrian Kambrium
Cambrian explosion Kambriske Eksplosion
Cambrian period Kambrium
Cambridge Cambridge