English Danish
Columbia Columbia
Columbia Records Columbia Records
Columbia River Columbia
Columbia University Columbia University
Columbidae Due
Columbiformes Due
columbine akeleje
Columbus Columbus
Columbus Blue Jackets Columbus Blue Jackets
Column of Phocas Fokas-søjlen
COM file COM
Coma Koma
Coma Berenices Berenikes Lokker
Comarca Herredet
Comarcas of Spain Herredet
comb kam
combat slag
combative kamplysten
combination kombination
combination effect kombinationsvirkning
Combinatorial mathematics Kombinatorik
combine kombinere
combine harvester mejetærsker
combined cycle-power station kombineret kraftværk
Combined heat and power Distribueret elproduktion
Combined oral contraceptive pill P-pille
combined transport kombineret transport
combined waste water kombineret spildevand
combustibility brændbarhed
combustion forbrænding
combustion engine forbrændingsmotor
combustion gas forbrændingsgas
Combustion point Antændelsestemperatur
combustion residue forbrændingsrest
come komme
come about ske
come across træffe
come out of the closet komme ud af skabet
come to a halt standse
Comedy Komedie
comet komet
Comet Hale-Bopp Hale-Bopp
Comet tank Komet
comeuppance få som fortjent
comfort trøste
comfortable bekvem
comic sjov
Comic Book Guy Comic Book Guy
comical sjov
Cominform Kominform
Coming Up for Air En mundfuld frisk luft
Comino Comino
Comintern Komintern
comitology komitologi
Comma Komma
command befaling
Command line interpreter Unix-skal
Command pattern Kommando
Commandant of the Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps
Commander Islands Kommandørøerne
Commander Keen series Commander Keen
Commandment Kommando
Commedia dell'arte Commedia dell'arte
Commelinales Tradescantia-ordenen
commemorative særfrimærke
Commemoratively Hukommelse
commence begynde
commencement begyndelse
commend rose
Commensurately massive Kolossal
commerce handel
commercial reklame
commercial fishery kommercielt fiskeri
commercial law handelsret
commercial noise støj fra erhvervsvirksomheder
Commercial show Handelsmesse
commercial traffic erhvervsmæssig transport
commercial transaction handelstransaktion
commercial vehicle erhvervskøretøj
commercialisation kommercialisering
Commerzbank Tower Commerzbank-Tower
Commerzbank-Arena Commerzbank-Arena
Commewijne District Commewijne
Commewijne River Commewijne
Commicerate Have medlidenhed
commissioner kommissær
commit suicide begå selvmord
Commitment scheme Kryptografi
committee komité
Committee of Permanent Representatives Coreper
Committee to Re-elect the President Komiteen for genvalg af præsidenten
Commodore International Commodore International
Commodore Smoker Kaptajn Smoker
Commodus Commodus
common sædvanlig
common agreement fælles regler
common agricultural policy den fælles landbrugspolitik
common agricultural policy of the EU den fælles landbrugspolitik
Common blackbird Solsort
Common Bluebell Skilla
Common Butterbur Rød Hestehov
common chickweed almindelig fuglegræs
Common chiffchaff Gransanger
common cold forkølelse
common commercial policy den fælles handelspolitik
Common Cottongrass Smalbladet Kæruld
Common Course Fælles Kurs
Common Cuttlefish Sepiablæksprutte
Common dace Hassel
common denominator fællesnævner
Common Dogwood Rød Kornel
Common drain Fælles drain
Common Dwarf Mongoose Stribet Hyæne
common eider edderfugl
Common Era Anno Domini
Common evenig primrose Natlys-familien
common fraction almindelig brøk
Common fractions Brøk
Common Frog Butsnudet frø
Common Gateway Interface CGI
common goldeneye hvinand
Common greenshank Hvidklire
common gull stormmåge
Common Hawthorn Engriflet Hvidtjørn
Common Hazel Almindelig Hassel
common hepatica blå anemone
Common Horse-chestnut Almindelig Hestekastanje
Common horsechestnut Almindelig Hestekastanje
Common house martin Bysvale
Common house-martin Bysvale
Common inn stay Service
Common Intermediate Language Common Intermediate Language
common kestrel tårnfalk
Common Kingfisher Isfugl
Common Medlar Mispel
Common Noctule Brunflagermus
common noun appellativ
Common Octopus Ottearmet blæksprutte
Common Periwinkle Almindelig strandsnegl
Common Pipistrelle Dværgflagermus
Common Pochard Taffeland
Common Raccoon Almindelig vaskebjørn
Common Redshank Rødben
common redstart rødstjert
Common Rue Ruth
Common sawfish Saw
common snipe dobbeltbekkasin
Common soft wheat Brød-Hvede
Common sole Tunge
Common source Fælles source
Common Spadefoot Løgfrø
common tariff policy den fælles toldpolitik
Common Teal Krikand
Common Treecreeper Træløber
Common Unix Printing System Common Unix Printing System
common whitefish helt
Common wood pigeon Ringdue
Common-mode rejection ratio CMRR
Common-pool resource Offentligt gode
Commonwealth Commonwealth of Nations
Commonwealth of Australia Australien
Commonwealth of Dominica Dominica
Commonwealth of Independent States SNG
Commonwealth of Nations Commonwealth of Nations
Commonwealth of the Bahamas Bahamas
commune kommune
Communes of France Kommune
communication beretning
Communication studies Kommunikation
communication-cord nødbremse
communications kommunikation
communications industry kommunikationsindustri
communications policy kommunikationspolitik
communications system kommunikationssystem
Communion Altergang
communism kommunisme
Communist Party in Denmark Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark
Communist Party of Austria KPÖ
Communist Party of Brazil Brasiliens Kommunistiske Parti
Communist Party of Chile Chiles Kommunistiske Parti
Communist Party of China Kinas kommunistiske parti
Communist Party of Denmark Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti
Communist Party of Germany Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
Communist Party of Nepal Nepals kommunistiske parti
Communist Party of San Marino San Marinos kommunistiske parti
Communist Party of Venezuela Venezuelas Kommunistiske Parti
Communist regime Kommunisme
community samfund
Community act fælleskabsretsakt
Community bicycle program Bycykel
Community budget fællesskabsbudget
community facility fællesskabsfacilitet
Community finance fællesskabsfinansiering
Community garden Kolonihave
Community gardening Kolonihave
Community law fællesskabsret
Community legal system Fællesskabernes retssystem
Community ruling fællesskabsbestemmelse
Community Trade Mark EU-varemærket
community-pays principle princippet om
Commuter belt Afvandingsareal
Commuter town Soveby
commuter traffic pendlertrafik
Como Comosøen
Comoro Islands Comorerne
Comoros Comorerne
Comoros Islands Comorerne
Compact Disc Cd
compact fluorescent lamp sparepære
Compact manifold Varietet
compactification kompaktifikation
compaction kompaktion
Companion cavalry Æter
company virksomhed