English Danish
Lions Clubs International Lions Club
lip læbe
Lipari Lipari
Lipari Islands Æoliske øer
Liperi Løvstikke
lipid lipid
Lipolysis Fedtsyremetabolisme
lipophilic substance lipofilt stof
Lippe Lippe
Lippe River Lippe
Lipsk Leipzig
lipstick læbestift
Lipton Lipton
liquefied gas flydende gas
Liquefied natural gas Liquified Natural Gas
Liqueur Likør
liquid væske
Liquid crystal display LCD
liquid manure flydende gødningsmiddel
liquid state flydende form
liquid waste flydende affald
liquidate dræbe
Liquido Væske
Liquigas Liquigas
Liquorice Glat Lakrids
Liriodendron Tulipantræ
Liriodendron tulipifera Almindelig Tulipantræ
Lisa Kudrow Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Simpson Lisa Simpson
Lisboa Lissabon
Lisbon Lissabon
Lise Meitner Lise Meitner
Lisp Lisp
list liste
List of academic disciplines Akademisk disciplin
List of acronyms and initialisms Internet-jargon
List of ages of popes Paverækken
List of air-filtering plants Luftrensende planter
List of airports IATA-lufthavnskode
List of airports by IATA code IATA-lufthavnskode
List of airports in Denmark Danske lufthavne
List of albums titled Greatest Hits Greatest Hits
List of all two-letter combinations Wikipedia
List of alternative names for the human species Alternative betegnelser for menneskearten
List of anarchists Anarkister
List of ancient pyramids by country Forhistorisk pyramide
List of Ancient Rome-related topics Romerriget
List of animal sounds Dyrelyde
List of animals that have been cloned Kloning
List of animated television series Tegnefilmserie
List of Anuran families Frøer og tudser
List of architects Berømte arkitekter
List of art movements Stil
List of astronomers Astronom
List of autoimmune diseases Autoimmun
List of autonomous areas by country Ruslands autonome oblaster
List of basic topic lists Grundlæggende emner
List of battles Krigsslag
List of Belgian monarchs Belgiske regenter
List of billionaires Verdens rigeste personer
List of biologists Biolog
List of birds Fugl
List of bishops of Lund Ærkebisperækken i Lund
List of board games Brætspil
List of botanists by author abbreviation Auktorbetegnelser for biologi og mykologi
List of Brazilian monarchs Kejserdømmet Brasilien
List of breeds of cattle Tamkvæg
List of bridges in Norway Broer i Norge
List of British flags Britiske flag
List of British monarchs England
List of Buddhist temples Pagode
List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes Buffy - Vampyrernes Skræk
List of Bulgarian monarchs Bulgarske zarer
List of calendars Kalender
List of capitals and larger cities by country Hovedstad
List of capitals by country Verdens hovedstæder
List of centuries Århundreder
List of characters from the Scrooge McDuck universe Georg Gearløs
List of characters in Case Closed Mesterdetektiven Conan
List of characters in the Harry Potter books James Potter
List of characters in The Simpsons Figurer i The Simpsons
List of Charmed episodes Heksene fra Warren Manor-episoder
List of chemical elements by atomic number Grundstoffer efter atomnummer
List of chess openings Skakåbninger
List of chess players Betydende skakstormestre
List of chess world championship matches Skakverdensmestre
List of China administrative divisions by area Kinas administrative regioner efter areal
List of China administrative divisions by GDP Kinas administrative regioner efter BNI
List of China administrative divisions by population Kinas administrative regioner efter befolkningstal
List of China administrative divisions by population density Kinas administrative regioner efter befolkningstæthed
List of Chinese painters Kunstmalere
List of Christian denominations Kristne trosretninger
List of circulating currencies Valuta
List of cities and towns in Russia Russiske byer
List of cities by population Verdens største byer
List of cities in Denmark by population Danmarks største byer
List of cities in Georgia Georgiske byer
List of cities in Germany Største tyske byer
List of cities in Iceland Islands byer og bygder
List of cities in Iraq Irakiske byer
List of cities in Nepal Byer i Nepal
List of cities in Sweden Sveriges købstæder
List of city listings by country By
List of civilian nuclear accidents Kernekraftulykke
List of classical composers Liste over klassiske komponister
List of Classical era composers Klassiske komponister
List of classical music composers Klassiske komponister
List of climbers Bjergbestigere
List of coffeehouse chains Kaffebar- og cafékæder
List of communes of Luxembourg Kommune
List of communists Kommunister
List of composers Klassiske komponister
List of composers by name Klassiske komponister
List of compositions by Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin
List of compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven Beethovens kompositioner
List of compounds Kemiske forbindelser
List of computer-animated films Computeranimationsfilm
List of computing and IT abbreviations Internet-jargon
List of concentration camps of Nazi Germany Koncentrationslejr
List of constellations Stjernebillede
List of construction topics Byggeriudtryk
List of countries Verdens lande
List of countries and outlying territories by total area Verdens landes arealer
List of countries by beer consumption per capita Verdens lande
List of countries by continent Verdens lande
List of countries by GDP Verdens landes BNP
List of countries by highest point Verdens lande
List of countries by Human Development Index Hdi
List of countries by income equality Lande rangordnet efter indkomstfordeling
List of countries by literacy rate Analfabetisme
List of countries by population Verdens landes befolkningsstørrelser
List of countries by population density Verdens landes befolkningstæthed
List of countries where English is an official language Engelsk
List of country calling codes International telefonkode
List of Counts and Dukes of Maine Maine
List of County Governors of Sweden Landshøvding
List of cryptids Kryptid
List of culinary fruits Frugt
List of currencies Valuta
List of current monarchs Monark
List of dances sorted by ethnicity Folkedans
List of Danes Danmarks kendte personer
List of Danish authors Danske skønlitterære forfattere
List of Danish chronicles Danske krøniker
List of Danish films Danske film
List of Danish Governments Danmarks regeringer
List of Danish monarchs Kongerækken
List of data structures Datastruktur
List of decades Årti
List of Defence Ministers of Denmark Danske forsvarsministre
List of directors Film- og tv-instruktører
List of Disney theatrical animated features Disneys klassikere
List of dog breeds Hunderacer
List of Dreamcast games Sega Dreamcast-spil
List of drummers Trommeslager
List of dukes of Schleswig Slesvigske hertuger
List of early imperial Roman consuls Romerske konsuler
List of edible seeds Korn
List of elements by atomic number Grundstoffer efter atomnummer
List of elements by melting point Grundstoffer
List of elements by name Grundstoffer
List of elements by number Grundstoffer efter atomnummer
List of Emperors of Japan Japanske kejsere
List of emulators Emulator
List of English districts District
List of English words of Japanese origin Danske ord som etymologisk stammer fra japansk
List of false scorpions Spindlere
List of famous operas Opera
List of Faroese people Betydningsfulde færinger
List of Federal Chancellors of Switzerland Tyske kanslere
List of federal subjects of Russia by area Liste over Ruslands føderale enheder rangeret efter areal
List of federal subjects of Russia by population Ruslands føderale enheder rangeret efter befolkningsstørrelse
List of fictional species Fabeldyr
List of film awards Filmpris
List of film directors by name Film- og tv-instruktører
List of film festivals Filmfestival
List of films about the RMS Titanic Titanic
List of Finance Ministers of Denmark Danske finansministre
List of food additives E-nummer
List of football players Fodbold
List of footballers Fodbold
List of former Danish colonies Danmarks kolonitid
List of former German colonies Tyske kolonier
List of forms of government Statsform
List of forts Fæstningsværk
List of Frankish kings Frankiske konger
List of French monarchs Franske regenter
List of fruits Frugt
List of Fullmetal Alchemist manga Fullmetal Alchemist
List of Futurama episodes Futurama
List of geologists Kendte geologer
List of German concentration camps Koncentrationslejr
List of German Confederation member states Tyske forbund
List of German Kings and Emperors Tyske kejsere
List of German monarchs Tyske kejsere
List of grammatical cases Kasus
List of grape varieties Druesorter
List of Greek mythological figures Græske guder
List of groups referred to as cults Sekt
List of Hannah Montana episodes Hannah Montana-afsnit
List of harpsichordists Cembalist
List of Harry Potter characters James Potter
List of historians Historiker
List of historical anniversaries Historiske begivenheder
List of historical drama films Historiske film
List of Hobbits Rosa Hyttebo
List of Hoenn Gym Leaders Hadrian
List of Holy Roman Emperors Tyske kejsere
List of honeybee races Honningbi
List of horse breeds Hesteracer
List of horse racing venues Hippodrom
List of human spaceflights Bemandede rumflyvninger
List of human spaceflights chronologically Bemandede rumflyvninger
List of Hungarian rulers Ungarske konger
List of important operas Opera
List of Indian monarchs Indiske herskere
List of instant messengers Instant messaging
List of intelligence agencies Efterretningsvæsen
List of Interior Ministers of Denmark Danske indenrigsministre
List of international license plate codes Nationale kendingsbogstaver
List of international organizations International organisation
List of International Space Station visitors Besøgende til den Internationale Rumstation
List of Internet Relay Chat clients IRC-klienter
List of Internet slang Internet-jargon
List of Internet slang phrases Internet-jargon
List of Internet top-level domains Nationalt topdomæne
List of Islamic terms in Arabic Islamiske begreber
List of islands by population Øer efter befolkningstal
List of islands of Denmark Beboede danske øer
List of Italian painters Staffeliet
List of Johto Gym Leaders Engel
List of kinds of software Grammatisk køn