English Danish
Literary realism Realisme
literature litteratur
literature data bank dokumentationsdatabase
literature evaluation dokumentationsvurdering
literature study litteraturundersøgelse
lithium lithium
Lithocarpus Garvebarkeg
lithography litografi
Lithospher Lithosfære
lithosphere litosfære
Lithuania Litauen
Lithuanian litauisk
Lithuanian litas Litas
litigation retstvist
litre liter
litter affald
Litter-bin Affaldsspand
little lille
Little Belt Bridge Lillebæltsbroen
Little Black Sambo Lille sorte Sambo
Little bridge Sternum
little by little gradvis
little finger lillefinger
Little Gull Måge
Little House on the Prairie Det Lille Hus på Prærien
Little Ice Age Den lille istid
Little Nicky Little Nicky
little owl kirkeugle
Little Richard Little Richard
Little Rock Little Rock
Little Shop of Horrors Gys i blomsterbutikken
Little White House Little White House
Littleleaf linden Småbladet Lind
littoral kyst
Liturgical colours Liturgiske farver
Liturgical year Kirkeåret
Liturgy of the Hours Tidevand
Liv Tyler Liv Tyler
Liv Ullmann Liv Ullmann
live bo
Live action Realfilm
Live action role-playing game Liverollespil
Live album Livealbum
Live and Let Die Live and Let Die
Live Apocalipse Live Apocalipse
Live aus Berlin Live aus Berlin
Live Rounds in Tokyo Live Rounds In Tokyo
Live Undead Decade of Aggression
LiveCD Live-cd
LiveDistro Live-cd
LiveJournal LiveJournal
livelihood næringsvej
Lively Island Bougainville
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