English Danish
Symbolist painters Symbolisme
symbolize symbolisere
symmetrical symmetrisk
Symmetry in mathematics Symmetri
Symmetry in physics Symmetri
Symmetry of second derivatives Clairauts sætning
sympathetic nervous system sympatiske nervesystem
Symphonia Drejelire
Symphonic metal Symfonisk metal
Symphonie Symfoni
Symphonie fantastique Symphonie Fantastique
symphony symfoni
Symphoricarpos Snebær
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Nyengelsk Asters
Sympodial Sympodial
Symptom Symptom
synagogue synagoge
Synapsida Pattedyr
Synaptic plasticity Synaptisk plasticitet
synchronised swimming synkronsvømning
synchronize synkronisere
synchronous synkron
Synchronous rotation Bunden rotation
syndicate fagforening
syndrome syndrom
synecology synøkologi
Synedrion Synedrium
Synergetics Synergi
Synesthesia Synæstesi
Syngnathidae Nålefisk-familien
Syngnathiformes Hundestejle
Synodic period Siderisk
Synonym Synonym
Synoptic gospels Synoptiske evangelier
Syntactic stylistics Syntaks
syntax syntaks
Syntax of programming languages Syntaks
Synth Synthesizer
Synth pad Po
Synthesizer Synthesizer
Synthetic aperture radar Synthetic aperture radar
Synthetic language Flekterende sprog
Synthetic languages Flekterende sprog
syphilis syfilis
Syracusa Siracusa
Syracuse Siracusa
Syrena Havfrue
Syria Syrien
Syrian Syrien
Syrian Arab Republic Syrien
Syrian Hamster Guldhamstere
Syringa vulgaris Almindelig Syren
Syringe Indsprøjtning
syrup sirup
Sysselmann Sysselmænd på Færøerne
system system
System Center Operations Manager MOM
System engineering Projektledelse
System of a Down System of a Down
System of a Down discography System of a Downs diskografi
System of law Jura
Systema System
Systema Naturae Videnskabeligt artsnavn
Systematic element name Midlertidige navne til grundstoffer
Systematics Systematik