English German
abdominal veins Bauchdeckenvenen
abdominal viscera Baucheingeweide
abdominal wall Bauchdecke
abdominal wall abscess Bauchdeckenabszess
abdominal wall hernia Bauchwandhernie
abdominal workout Bauchmuskeltraining
abdominalgia Bauchschmerz
abdominals Bauchmuskulatur
abdominocentesis Bauchpunktion
abdominohysterectomy Gebärmutterentfernung durch den Bauchraum
abdominoscopy Bauchspiegelung
abdominouterotomy Gebärmuttereröffnung durch den Bauchraum
Abdon and Sennen Abdon und Sennen
Abdoulaye Méïté Abdoulaye Meïté
Abdoulaye Wade Abdoulaye Wade
abducens nerve Nervus abducens
abducens nerve palsy Abduzenslähmung
abducent nerve Nervus abducens
abducent nerve paralysis Abduzenslähmung
abduct entführen
abducted entführt
abducted against one's will gegen seinen Willen entführt
abductee Entführte
abducting verschleppend
abduction Entführung
abduction case Entführungsfall
abduction fracture Abduktionsbruch
abduction of a child Kindesentführung
abduction of a girl Mädchenraub
abduction of girls Mädchenraub
abduction of the bride Brautraub
abduction pant Spreizhose
abduction paralysis Abduktionslähmung
Abduction phenomenon Entführung durch Außerirdische
abduction splin Abduktionsschiene
abduction splins Abduktionsschienen
abductions Entführungen
abductions of children Kindesentführungen
abductive abduktiv
abductive change abduktiver wandel
abductive reasoning Abduktion
abductivism Abduktivismus
abductor Entführer
Abductor digiti minimi muscle Musculus abductor digiti minimi
Abductor hallucis muscle Musculus abductor hallucis
Abductor minimi digiti muscle Musculus abductor digiti minimi
abductor muscle Abduktionsmuskel
abductor of a girl Mädchenräuber
abductor of girls Mädchenräuber
Abductor pollicis brevis muscle Musculus abductor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis longus muscle Musculus abductor pollicis longus
abductors Entführer
abducts entführt
Abdul Abdul
Abdul Ahad Mohmand Abdul Ahad Mohmand
Abdul Aziz al-Hakim Abd al-Aziz al-Hakim
Abdul Hamid Karami Abdul Hamid Karami
Abdul Kader Keïta Abdul Kader Keïta
Abdul Majid Kubar Abd al-Madschid Kubar
Abdul Qadeer Khan Abdul Kadir Khan
Abdul Qadir Bajamal Abd al-Qadir Badschamal
Abdul Qadir Jelani Abd al-Qadir al-Dschilani
Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd ar-Rahman
Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais Sudais
Abdul Rahman Arif Abd ar-Rahman Arif
Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Abdul Rahman ibn Abdallah
Abdul Rahman Munif Abd ar-Rahman Munif
Abdul Rashid Dostum Abdul Rashid Dostum
Abdul Salam Arif Abd as-Sallam Arif
Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi Abdul Sattar Abu Rischa
Abdul-Qadir Gilani Abd al-Qadir al-Dschilani
Abdulaziz Khathran Abdulaziz Khathran
Abdulino Abdulino
Abdullah Abdulla
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Abdullah bin Khalifah Al Thani Abdullah bin Chalifa Al Thani
Abdullah Gül Abdullah Gül
Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi Abdallah von Córdoba
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Abdullah ibn Abd al-Aziz
Abdullah the Butcher Lawrence Shreeve
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam Abdallah Azzam
Abdullah Çatlı Abdullah Çatlı
Abdullah Öcalan Abdullah Öcalan
Abdullahi Issa Abdullahi Issa
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed
Abdur Rahman Khan Abdur Rahman Khan
Abdus Salam Abdus Salam
Abdülkerim Nadir Pasha Abdülkerim Nadir Pascha
Abdülâziz Abdülaziz
Abe Abe
Abe River Abe
Abe's cape Einhundert-Dollar-Note
Abe's puffer Abes Kugelfisch
Abe's salamander Abes Winkelzahnmolch
abeam dwars