English German
Anthony James Leggett Anthony James Leggett
Anthony Kiedis Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Mamo Anthony Mamo
Anthony Mann's The Heroes of Telemark Kennwort 'Scheres Wasser'
Anthony Maria Zaccaria Antonio Maria Zaccaria
Anthony Mary Claret Antonius Maria Claret
Anthony McAuliffe Anthony McAuliffe
Anthony Minghella Anthony Minghella
Anthony Montgomery Anthony Montgomery
Anthony of Padua Antonius von Padua
Anthony of Saxony Anton
Anthony Olubunmi Cardinal Okogie Anthony Olubunmi Okogie
Anthony Olubunmi Okogie Anthony Olubunmi Okogie
Anthony Panizzi Antonio Panizzi
Anthony Perkins Anthony Perkins
Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn
Anthony Robbins Anthony Robbins
Anthony Sawoniuk Anton Sawanjuk
Anthony Shaffer's The Wicker Man The Wicker Man
Anthony Stafford Beer Anthony Stafford Beer
Anthony the Great Antonius der Große
Anthony Trollope Anthony Trollope
Anthony van Diemen Antonio van Diemen
Anthony van Dyck Anthonis van Dyck
Anthony Wayne Anthony Wayne
Anthony Zimmer Anthony Zimmer
Anthony Šerić Anthony Šerić
Anthony's wood rat Todos-Santos-Buschratte
Anthony's wood-rat Todos-Santos-Buschratte
Anthony's woodrat Todos-Santos-Buschratte
Anthophyllite Anthophyllit
anthophyllite dust Anthophyllitstaub
anthophyllite fiber Anthophyllit-Faser
anthophyllite fibers Anthophyllit-Fasern
anthophyllite fibre Anthophyllit-Faser
anthophyllite fibres Anthophyllit-Fasern
anthophyllite particles Anthophyllitstaub
anthora Gift-Eisenhut
anthoscopus penduline tits Anthoscopus-Beutelmeisen
Anthoxanthum Ruchgräser
Anthoxanthum odoratum Gewöhnliches Ruchgras
anthoxantins Anthoxanthine
Anthozoa Blumentiere
anthozoans Anthozoen
anthracene Anthracen
anthracene oil Anthracen-Öl
anthracene paste Anthracen-Paste
anthracite Anthrazit
anthracite coal Anthrazit
anthracite duff Anthrazitfeinkohle
anthracite gray anthrazitgrau
anthracite grey anthrazitgrau
anthracite refining Anthrazitveredelung
anthracite-colored anthrazitfarben
anthracite-coloured anthrazitfarben
anthracitic coal Anthrazit
anthracitize in Anthrazit umwandeln
anthracnose Anthracnose
Anthracolithic Permokarbon
anthracosilicosis Anthrakosilikose
anthracosis Anthrakose
Anthracycline Anthracycline
Anthranilic acid Anthranilsäure
anthrax Anthrax
anthrax antiserum Milzbrandimmunserum
anthrax attack Milzbrandattentat
anthrax attacks Milzbrandattentate
anthrax bacillus Milzbrandbazillus
anthrax letter Anthraxbrief
anthrax mailing attack Angriff mit einer Anthrax-Sendung
anthrax sepsis Milzbrandsepsis
anthrax spore Milzbrandspore
anthrax spores Milzbrandsporen
anthrax toxin Anthraxtoxin
anthrax vaccine Anthrax-Impfstoff
anthrax vaccines Anthrax-Impfstoff
anthrax-tainted letter Anthraxbrief
anthraxylon Vitrinit
anthrenus carpet beetles Anthrenus-Teppichkäfer
Anthribidae Anthribidae
Anthriscus Kerbel
Anthriscus cerefolium Garten-Kerbel
anthropic anthropisch
anthropic activity anthropogene Aktivität
Anthropic principle Anthropisches Prinzip
anthropobiologist Humanbiologe
anthropobiology Humanbiologie
Anthropocene Menschenzeitalter
anthropocentric anthropozentrisch
anthropocentrism Anthropozentrizität
anthropochores Anthropochoren
anthropogenesis Menschwerdung
anthropogenic anthropogen
anthropogenic ecosystem anthropogenes Ökosystem
anthropogeny Menschwerdung
anthropoid anthropoid
anthropoid ape Menschenaffe
anthropoid apes Menschenaffen
anthropoidal äffig
anthropoids Menschenaffen
anthropologic reserve anthropologisches Reservat
anthropological anthropologisch
anthropological conditions anthropologische Bedingungen
anthropological opinion erbbiologisches Gutachten
anthropological philosophy philosophische Anthropologie
anthropologically anthropologisch