English German
bigamy Bigamie
Bigamy is having one wife too many Bigamie bedeutet, eine Frau zuviel zu haben, Monogamie bedeutet dasselbe.
Bigas Luna Bigas Luna
bigeminat pulse doppelschlägiger Puls
bigeye barracuda Brustfleck-Barrakuda
bigeye hound shark Großaugen-Glatthai
Bigeye houndshark Großaugen-Glatthai
bigeye sand tiger Grossaugen-Sandtigerhai
bigeye sandtiger Großaugen-Sandtiger
bigeye sixgill shark Grossaugen-Sechskiemerhai
Bigeye thresher Großaugenfuchshai
Bigeye tuna Großaugen-Thun
bigeyed sixgill shark Grossaugen-Sechskiemerhai
bigfin cat shark Grossflossen-Katzenhai
bigfin catshark Grossflossen-Katzenhai
bigflower clover Michelis-Klee
Bigfoot Bigfoot
Bigfoot and the Hendersons Bigfoot und die Hendersons
Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter Bigfoot - Mein grosser Freund
Bigge Bigge
bigger größer
Bigger part Großteil
biggest größte
biggest party grösste Partei
Biggin Hill Biggin Hill
biggish ziemlich groß
Biggleswade Biggleswade
bighead Angeber
bighead carps Hypophthalmichthys-Karpfen
bighead cat shark Grosskopf-Katzenhai
bighead catshark Grosskopf-Katzenhai
bighorn sheep Dickhornschaf
bight Krümmung
Bight of Benin Benin
Bight of Bonny Biafra
bights Schlaufen
bigleaf gentian Chinesischer Enzian
Biglen Biglen
bigly groß
bigmouth Plaudertasche
bigmouths Maulhelden
Bignoniaceae Trompetenbaumgewächse
bignonias Trompetenbaumgewächse
Bignose shark Großnasenhai
bigoli Bigoli
bigolo Bigolo
Bigorre Bigorre
Bigos Bigos
bigot engstirnig
bigoted beschränkt
bigotry Aberglaube
bigots Fanatiker
bigraph Digraph
bigroot geranium Balkan-Storchschnabel
bigscale scorpion fish Großer Roter Drachenkopf
bigscale scorpion-fish Großer Roter Drachenkopf
bigscale scorpionfish Großer Roter Drachenkopf
bigshot Bulle
bigstring nettle Große Brennnessel
bigtower Big-Tower
biguanide Biguanid
biguanides Biguanide
bigwig Persönlichkeit
bigwig of the Nazi party Nazi-Bonze
Bihar Bihar
Bihari Bihari
Bihari languages Bihari
biharmonic equation biharmonische Gleichung
Bihać Bihać
bihex nut Zwölfkantmutter
bihex nuts Zwölfkantmuttern
bihexagonal head screw Zwölfkantschraube
Bihor Bihor
Bihor County Bezirk Bihor
Bihor Mountains Bihor-Gebirge
Biikebrennen Biikebrennen
BIIS 1200 protocol BIIS1200-Protokoll
Bijapur Bijapur
Bijapur District Bijapur
bijection Bijektion
bijective bijektiv
bijective mapping bijektive Abbildung
Bijeljina Bijeljina
Bijeljina Region Region Bijeljina
Bijelo dugme Bijelo dugme
Bijelo Polje Bijelo Polje
Bijlands Kanaal Bijlands Kanal
bijou Juwel
bijouterie Juwelierware
Bikaner Bikaner
bike Schwarm