English German
biological waste Bioabfall
biological waste gas purification biologische Abgasreinigung
biological waste treatment biologische Abfallbehandlung
biological wastewater treatment biologische Abwasserbehandlung
biological water balance Wasserhaushalt
biological weapon Biowaffe
biological weapons Biowaffen
Biological Weapons Convention Biowaffenkonvention
biological weathering biologische Verwitterung
biologically biologisch
biologically available bioverfügbar
biologism Biologismus
biologist Biologe
biologists Biologinnen
biology Biologie
biology book Biologiebuch
biology laboratories Biolabore
biology laboratory Genlabor
biology lesson Biologiestunde
biology of caves Höhlenbiologie
biology of development Entwicklungsbiologie
biology of evolution Evolutionsbiologie
biology professor Biologie-Professor
biology student Biologiestudent
biology teacher Biologielehrer
bioluminescence Biolumineszenz
biolytic lebensvernichtend
biolytically lebensvernichtend
biomanipulation Biomanipulation
biomanipulations Biomanipulationen
biomarker Biomarker
biomass Biomasse
biomass accumulation Biomasseproduktion
biomass burning Biomasseverbrennung
biomass combustion Biomasseverbrennung
biomass concentration Biomassekonzentration
biomass conversion Biomasseverstromung
biomass converter Biomassekonverter
biomass converters Biomassekonverter
biomass determination Biomassebestimmung
biomass electricity Biomassestrom
biomass energy Energie aus Biomasse
biomass energy industry Industrie für Energiegewinnung aus Biomasse
biomass feed Biobrennstoff
biomass feedstock biogene Rohstoffe
biomass formation Biomassebildung